
344 8 2

(Age: 19)
(This one has a little spice in it😉😏 not very good or very much, but a hint of it. It's my first ever so don't judge😝)

Mike and El were doing the dishes together after supper for his mom. She was washing them and he was drying them and putting them away. El stood there, staring out the window at the sky.

"El? Are you okay?" Mike asked.

"The storms...will they be big?" El asked, handing him another plate slowly.

"They're supposed to be, yes. But there's no risk of tornadoes or anything. Just thunder, rain, and lightning," he said. He put the towel and plate on the counter and put his hands on her shoulders.

"I don't like storms," she said.

"I know. But I'll be with you the entire time. You don't have anything to be afraid of," he said. She nodded and stepped closer so she could hug him and he put his arms around her.

"Everything okay?" Karen asked.

"Yea, it's fine. Just finishing up," Mike said and put away the plate he'd set on the counter. They finished the dishes and El let the water drain. The sky was darkening on the horizon.

"Hey, don't look out the window. Let's find something else to do. What do you wanna do?" He asked.

"Can we go to your room and read that book you got me?" El asked shyly.

"Of course. Anything you want," he said. He took her hand and stopped at the bottom of the stairs.


"Keep the door cracked!" She yelled back. He shook his head and he and El and ran up the stairs. El shut his bedroom door quietly so his mom wouldn't hear. When she turned around, Mike was right in front of her. She blushed and put her arms around his neck and she gasped in shock when he pressed her against the door.

"Still worried about the storms?" He asked. Some thunder rumbled in the distance and she winced and nodded. He reached up and caressed her cheek ever so softly with his fingers.

"The storms are still way off in the distance," he said gently. She nodded and stood up on her tippy toes, placing a gentle kiss on his lips. He kissed her again and this time she put a hand on the back of his neck and deepened the kiss. He backed up to the bed and sat on it enough to pull El onto his lap. Her knees rested on the bed and she put her arms around his next, lacing her fingers in his hair. He put his hands on her hips as they pulled apart for air. They took just a couple deep breaths and crashed their lips back together. One of his arms wrapped around her waist and turned them around, laying her on her back on the bed. He hovered over her, kissing her sweetly. Her hands found their way to his chest and her fingers fiddled with the buttons on his shirt.

"Hey you two, none of that," Karen said, opening the door quickly. Mike jumped off of El and landed beside her on the bed.

"We weren't doing anything," Mike said, but their breathlessness and the undone buttons on Mike's shirt said otherwise.

"Mmhmm. It's starting to rain, make sure your windows are closed," Karen said. She walked away, leaving the door open behind her.

"Busted," Mike said and chuckled.

"She said it's starting to rain. Does that mean the storms are here?" She asked, jumping up off his bed. He got up and closed his bedroom windows, locking them and closing the blinds.

"Almost. It always starts to rain a little before the actual storm gets here," he said gently. She walked over to him and put her arms around his torso.

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