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"Mike hey, wait up man," one of the guys on the basketball team, Jason, said. He stopped at his locker and turned around.

"What's up guys?" He said, putting in his combination. The dude and his friend looked at each other.

"We just wanted to ask how you did it," Jason said. His friend beside him snickered.

"Did what?" Mike asked as he stuffed his things in his backpack.

"Got a girlfriend. You're telling us a girl was finally interested in your skinny, nerdy ass?" Mark said.

"I..." he said, looking down at himself. They were right. He was kind of built like a stick. He wasn't muscular, or popular. He was tall. That was all he considered to be desirable about himself. He wasn't sure why El wanted him and not a hotter guy.

"That's what I thought. Do her and yourself a favor and let her go. She could use a hotter dude anyway. Like...I," Jason said. He and Mark laughed and gave each other a high five before walking away. Mike grabbed his bag and slammed his locker shut, walking right past his friends.

"Mike where are you going? It's Friday we're all going to the movies!" Lucas said.

"Not interested," Mike said and stormed out of the building. He got on his bike and went home, throwing his bag on the floor.

"How was school?" Karen asked.

"It was fine," Mike snapped and went downstairs. His mom followed him after a minute and sat down across from him.

"What's the matter?" Karen asked.

"Nothing," he snapped and looked away from her.

"Mike..." she said. He looked at his mom and felt like crying.

"It's stupid..."

"Honey, it isn't stupid if it is upsetting you. Tell me," she said. He sighed and looked down.

"Today, at school, a couple of guys on the basketball team told me that I was too skinny and nerdy for...well...El," Mike said. Karen sighed.

"You're fine just the way you are honey. Don't let a couple of random guys who know nothing about you determine how you feel about yourself," Karen said and patted his knee. She went back upstairs, no doubt to tell Nancy what had happened.

Mike laid on the couch and stared at the ceiling, thinking of ways that he could gain some more muscle. The phone rang several times and his mom would shout for him, telling him it was one of his friends or El. He'd have her hang up every time. Then the doorbell rang. He heard footsteps coming downstairs and saw El.

"El? What are you doing here?" Mike asked.

"You weren't answering my calls. I wanted to see you," she said. She sat down beside him and snuggled up to his side.

"What's the matter?" She asked.

"Nothing," He said.

"Mike, don't lie," El said softly. He sighed and played with her hair.

"I'm not good enough for you," he said. El's jaw fell open and she immediately felt like crying.

"Why would you say that?" She asked.

"Because it's true. I'm too skinny. I can't protect you. And I'm too nerdy. I'm not athletic, and I don't get involved in a lot of activities. I'm just...not good enough for you. You need someone who's bigger and can keep you safe and be what you need. Someone who's more fun to be with," he said, looking away from her, ashamed.

"Mike..." she said. She saw a tear fall down his face and she wiped it away gently.

"You're everything I could ever want. And more. All I've ever dreamed of. So what you're not huge and buff and muscular. You know what you are? Kind. Caring. Loving. And you are protective. You do everything you can to protect me. No one else could make me feel safe like you do. And I do not mind that you're nerdy. I like hearing you talk about your games and movies and stuff. It's cute. And I love your smile. And your freckles. Your hair and your hands. Your eyes...I love you...Besides, who would want a big, smelly jock anyway? Max told me they're assholes. And I'd rather have you than anyone else. You're incredible, and you're more than I could have ever asked for. I don't think I could make it without you. I never would've. You saved me. And you've showed me love. You've showed And I love you for it," El said. Mike held back as much as he could, but he pulled her into his arms and started crying into her shoulder. She hugged him tight, reassuring him how much she loved him.

"I love you too El. Are you sure you want someone like me though?" He asked. She grabbed his face and wiped more tears away.

"Positive. I love everything about you. I wouldn't change a thing about you. Don't listen to them," El said. He leaned in and kissed her softly and she ran her fingers through his hair when they pulled away.

"Thank you..." He said.

"You're perfect, Mike. Don't let a couple of douchebags tell you otherwise. They're just jealous of you," El said. He chuckled and kissed her again and laid back on the couch. El laid on top of him, resting her head on his chest. It was their favorite way to cuddle.

"Don't worry about me not liking you, ever. And definitely don't ever put yourself down over some random mouth breathers. Got it?" El asked.

"Yes ma'am," Mike said. El giggled and have him another quick peck on the lips and laid her head back down.

"You're flawless, Mike Wheeler..." she whispered. Mike smiled and played with her hair as they cuddled. He was damn lucky to have her.

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