Back at the Lab

391 14 3

(Age: 16)

"No! Let me go!" El shouted. The two doctors dragged her down the hall as she kicked and screamed. They threw her on the floor of a cell and slammed the door shut on her. For hours she screamed, punched the wall. Her throat was raw, almost bleeding. Her knuckles and sides of her hands were busted from banging on the wall. She eventually gave up, and sunk her back down the wall and fell to the floor, sobbing. She tore the sleeve off of her hospital gown and tied it around her face like a blindfold. She entered the void, and when she spun around, she saw Mike leaning on Nancy's shoulder, crying his heart out. She walked over to him and crouched in front of him.

" me..." she said and put her hand on his shoulder.

"Did you hear that?" He said to Nancy.

"Hear what?"

"It's her! It was her! Eleven!" He said. She reached out to him again and this time, he disappeared. She ripped her blindfold off and saw her papa there.

"Hello, Eleven," he said.

"I killed you...four years ago..." El spat.

" simply sent me to another world. I managed to escape. We're not through with our work, Eleven," He said.

"Let me go!" She shouted. She held her hand out to throw him across the room and a doctor grabbed her and stuck a needle in her arm. It wasn't to make her sleep; it was some sort of hallucinatory medication. It reduced her to a weak, sleepy state where she couldn't use her powers and everything echoed and shadowed. It was like the void, only she could see real life instead.

"Mike..." she muttered.

"Oh don't worry dear, we'll take care of him," her papa said mischievously.

"Don't you dare touch him!" El hissed. They ignored her and they dragged her to a testing room. They tied her hands to the armrests and her ankles to the legs of the chair. She was feeling woozy, and felt like passing out or throwing up. Or both.

"'re going to find us the demogorgon again. And then you're going to open that gate. I know you spent time closing it, but we need it open again. Even if it kills you," her papa said.

"No," she said. He hit her across the face and she gasped in pain.

"You will open the gate!"

"Go to hell."

A doctor was nodded forward and they punched her across her cheek again, this time bruising her and cutting her open. She still refused.

"Fine. I didn't want to have to do this, but you leave no choice. Get the boy!" He said and turned to the doctors.

"No! Don't touch him! Leave him alone!" El screamed at the top of her lungs, her throat still stinging from when she was locked up.

"Shut up!" One of the doctors shouted and punched her again, this time breaking her jaw open. She fought against the ropes, bruising and scraping her ankles and wrists, the medicine they gave her preventing her from being able to focus enough to use her powers. She started to cry, trying so hard to get out of the ropes and kill the man.

"Please don't hurt him...please...I'll do it...I'll open the gate...please don't hurt him..." she begged, tears falling down her face. The doctor smirked and pulled out his radio.

"Hey Brenner, she said she'll do it," he said.

"Wonderful. But just in case she tries to change her mind, I'm going to bring him in anyway. And that lovely sister of his," Brenner said. He left and the doctors continued to beat El, breaking all of her willpower to fight them back.

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