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It was sophomore year of high school and Mike and Lucas had joined the basketball team. They'd have practice for three hours after school every day. This weekend was their first game.

"Have you ever been to a sports game? Or even seen one on TV?" Max asked El as they rode to the game. Dustin and Will were in the front. Dustin had just gotten his driver's license and a car so he would drive the party all over the place.

"No, I haven't. What exactly is basket...ball?" El asked.

"It's really hard to explain. I'll walk you through it as we watch the game. Just...only cheer for the kids wearing Hawkins jerseys. That's our team," Max said. Dustin and Will had to laugh; it was definitely something El would do-cheer for the wrong team. They pulled into the school parking lot and paid for their tickets. They climbed onto the bleachers and Max reached into her purse and handed everyone the candy they'd grabbed at the store. El, of course, had picked out a bag of M&Ms. The clock was counting down to the start of the game: 7 minutes and 34 seconds.

"Okay El, so basically what this game is is two teams go back and forth between offense and defense-meaning that one team has the ball and the other tries to keep them from scoring-and they run back and forth up and down the court trying to score by throwing the ball into the hoop hanging on the ceiling there. The team on defense is able to steal the ball, and if they do, they become the offense," Dustin said. (Pfft I'm not a sports person I'm a nerd so if you know something about sports that I got wrong pls tell me lmaooo.) El stared at him like a deer in headlights and just blinked.

"Do you understand what I said?" Dustin asked.

"I uh...I think so..." El said, still looking like she just got life changing news.

"We'll walk you through it once the game starts," Max laughed.

"Okay," El said. She studied the lines on the court. There were so many, and she didn't know their purpose or meaning. Then the other students and parents started cheering and Will, Dustin, and Max stood up.

"El!" Max said and pulled her up. They were cheering and clapping and Max pointed out Lucas and Mike running out onto the court. The other team ran out and the students and family from their players cheered, while the Hawkins students booed. They named the starting lineup for the opposing school and then they named the starting lineup for Hawkins.

"Tyler Sawyer...Zak Fowler...Alex Chapman...Lucas Sinclair...and Michael Wheeler!"

The party cheered loud for Lucas and Mike and El looked at her man with admiration.

"Okay, time to start paying attention. They're going to throw the ball up and two of the players are going to try to tap it away," Max said. El watched as Mike and player from the other team stood in front of each other. The ref threw the ball up and Mike easily hit it, since he was so damn tall. El watched the game in amazement; she had no clue what was going on though.

At the end of the game, Max pointed at the scoreboard.

"They won!" Max said. El started clapping and celebrating and the student section rushed onto the court. El was just following the example of everyone else; how did this while 'being a teenager' thing work? Max grabbed El's hand and pulled her through to the team so they could get to their guys.

"Lucas! Mike!" Max said. They both turned in the girls' direction and Max kissed Lucas quickly and he put his arms around her shoulders.

"You made it," Mike said to El. She smiled as they put their arms around each other. He was all sweaty and gross but it didn't bother her.

"I wouldn't have missed it for the world," El said. Mike blushed-surprisingly-and a goofy smile spread on his face. He leaned down and gave her a sweet kiss, which she gladly reciprocated.

"Aye Mike, come on man!" Another team member said. They dragged Lucas and Mike to the locker room.

"They'll be back. They're gonna go get out of their uniforms and do some weird celebration ritual cuz they won," Max said. When El saw Lucas and Mike wall out of the locker room, she jumped up and ran over to Mike. He saw her coming and he held out his arms and scooped her up and kissed her. It always made the others smile, the way they were so clingy and in love. It was like a movie.

"So, were you confused the entire time you watched the game?" Mike asked.

"It was bad. I don't think she even had a clue as to what was going on," Dustin teased.

"Well that's okay. I'm just glad you're here. Come on guys, let's go home. I'm sick of this gym," Mike said. They all walked out to Dustin's car and drove to Mike's house. It was Friday, so they were going to have a sleepover. Mike and Lucas took turns with the shower and got cleaned up. Mike sank down on the floor beside El and kissed her cheek and the party fell asleep to a movie.

In the morning, Mike woke up and saw El on the sofa, reading some book about basketball. He got up and went over to her and sat down.

"Whatcha doin?" He asked.

"Reading. I want to understand basketball for your future games," she said.

"Why don't we go outside and play? I have a hoop in the driveway," he said.

"Yes!" El said. She wanted to learn how to play and learn how to do what he was doing. Maybe she would understand it better then. The two of them jumped up and ran outside. Mike grabbed the ball from the garage and showed her how to throw it. They started with a free throw. He positioned her and stood beside her, showing her exactly what to do. She threw the ball, but she didn't throw it hard enough and it didn't make it.

"I missed," she said.

"That's okay, your form was perfect!" He said and she giggled, her cheeks flushing red. It was one of his double sided compliments-he complimented her for her perfect free throw stance as well as her body.

She practiced a couple more free throws and then he moved on to show her how to do a layup. And so she ran up to the hoop and jumped up, throwing the ball. It went int0 the hoop, but her landing was not so smooth. 

"Mike, my ankle..." she whined. He ran to her and crouched down in front of her. He lifted her foot and rested it on his leg.

"It's just sprained. We'll get you inside and get some ice on it and prop it up. It'll be okay in a few days," Mike said.

"Are you sure?" El asked.

"Yep. I've sprained my ankles an wrists several times since I started playing. Come on baby," he said. He helped her up off the ground and got her inside on the couch. He put a pillow on the footstool and then draped a large ice pack over her ankle.

"Okay what happened?" Max asked. Lucas and her were in the doorway. Dustin and Will had gone home early in the morning.

"She wanted to learn how to play basketball. She was doing a layup and fell and sprained her ankle," Mike said. He sat beside her and she leaned he head on his shoulder.

"I am not a sports girl. I'll stick to just having a sports boyfriend," El said. They all laughed, and El leaned up and pressed her lips to Mike's. He kissed her back, bringing his hand up to cup her cheek.

"Oookayyy that is our cue to leave. See you guys later," Lucas said. He and Max left and El stared at Mike.

"What?" He chuckled.

"I like when you take care of me," she giggled. 

"I like taking care of you. But don't go out there getting yourself hurt," Mike said. They had to laugh again and he kissed her sweetly. El indulged in the kiss and she smiled to herself. She would never win a sport's game, but she won better than that with her adorable, sweet boyfriend.


A/N - dude idk what this was it fucking sucked but here's some fluff and some basketball Mike and Lucas...pfft enjoy 

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