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(Age: 18)

Mike stood in the living room window, tapping his leg anxiously as he waited for the Byers' car to pull up in front of the house. Joyce had agreed to bring El over on the day of Christmas Eve and let her stay for a couple days.

"Mike sit down, you're annoying everyone. She'll be here soon," Nancy said, setting the table up for dinner that evening.

"Shut up!" Mike said. Nancy rolled her eyes and continued setting out the silverware. Then Mike saw Joyce pull into the driveway and he put on his boots and ran out the door. By the time he had the front door open to run outside, El was already out of the car and running towards him. She jumped in his arms and wrapped her legs around his waist. He cradled the back of her head as their lips crashed together and she ran her fingers through his hair. Their lips didn't part even as he set El back on her feet. She caressed his cheek when they pulled away and rested her forehead against his.

"I missed you," she said softly.

"I missed you too," he said. She shivered a bit and he chuckled.

"Let's get inside and warm up," he said. They walked inside, his arm around her shoulders, Karen and Joyce right behind them. Mike grabbed a quilt from the cabinet in the living room and sat down on the sofa in front of the fire place. El sat beside him and curled up against his side.

"Thanks for letting her stay. It's uh...I know she's having a hard time being apart from him like this," Joyce said.

"It's not a problem Joyce. Mike has been the same way. Talks about her all the time," Karen said and chuckled. They glanced over at the two snuggled up on the couch. El sat forward and propped her elbow on the backrest of the couch and put her hand on his chest. They shared soft, short little kisses and were giggling about something.

"I better get going. Thanks again. See you in a couple days," Joyce said and hugged Karen.

"See you," she said. She saw Joyce out and came back inside and went back into the kitchen.

"This is going to be your first real Christmas," Mike said to her, kissing her cheek.

"I love all the lights and the decorations. They make me...happy," El said.

"Well wait until you have my mom's ham and potatoes. And her Christmas cookies. That'll make you happy," Mike said. She smiled and put her arms around his torso.

"You make me happy," she said with a girly little giggle. He put his arms around her and kissed the top of her head. They stayed there like that for an hour and then Karen stepped into the living room.

"Time for supper you two," She said. They got up off the couch and took seats beside each other at the table. Everyone made their plates and Mike looked over at El, who was having trouble cutting up her piece of ham.

"Here," he said with a laugh. He picked up her knife and took her fork from her and cut it up for her. She blushed and had to laugh as she thanked him. What a simple task.

El was kind of awkward in conversation. She didn't really know how to contribute, so she quietly ate and talked with Mike unless she was asked a question.

When supper was over, she and Mike helped clean up the kitchen and the dining room. They all sat in the living room in front of the fire to have dessert, watching A Christmas Story on tv.

It was only 7:30, but sweet little Holly was falling asleep.

"Come on honey why don't we put out the cookies for Santa and we'll get you to bed," Karen said.

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