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*one year after "Proposal"*
(Age: 22)

Max pushed El down in a chair and revealed her makeup collection. It had nearly doubled since the night Mike had proposed, which was the last time Max had done her makeup. Karen and Joyce were there to help her get ready. They were also El's other bridesmaids, since she didn't have any other close friends aside from Max; who was, of course, her maid of honor.

"I'm so excited!" Max said.

"Me too," Joyce said as she reached into the bag she had and got El's dress hung up for when it she put the shoes underneath it and laid her jewelry and veil on a table beside it.

"El, you're quiet honey. Are you okay?" Karen asked as she started raking a comb through her hair.

"I'm nervous," she said and wiped her palms on the jeans she was wearing.

"Oh honey there's nothing to be nervous about. You'll be fine," she said.

"What if I trip when I walk down the aisle? What if I slip on my dress? What if I-"

"El, relax. You're going to be fine. Think of the positives today," Max said and smeared makeup primer on her face. Nancy started on her eye makeup, cautiously blending the eyeshadow and putting on gentle eyeliner.

"You and Mike have been in love for ten years El. I've never seen love like you guys have," Nancy said. El sighed and nodded. Nancy was right. She just needed to take a deep breath and remember that she is marrying the person she loves most today.

"We're getting married," she said and smiled.

"You're getting married," Max said and smiled back excitedly as she started El's foundation. El sat there tapping her leg, both anxiously and excitedly.

"Okay, hair and makeup, done!" Max said. The ladies all stepped back and admired their work on her hair and makeup.

"Time for the dress," Joyce said and clapped her hands excitedly. El stepped behind a curtain and got her strapless bra on and her white underwear, so they couldn't be seen under her dress. She stepped out, covering herself up.

"Hey it's alright, we don't care. We're just helping you into your dress," Joyce said. Karen held El's dress open and Max and Joyce held her hands while she stepped into it. They got it pulled up and her arms into the sleeves and Nancy zipped the dress up quickly in the back and did the little hook at the top of the zipper.

"There!" She said. They held her hands again and Karen held her dress up while she stepped into her heels. Then Karen hooked her necklace on while El put in her earrings. Karen put a couple of sparkly pins in the bun in her hair.

"Alright honey, turn around for us," Joyce said. El turned around slowly and looked at the floor with a smile as they all gasped. (Her wedding outfit is pictured at the top at the start of the chapter.)

"El you look so beautiful!" Karen said and dabbed at her eyes with a tissue. There was a knock on the door and the girls stood in front of El, just in case it was Mike.

"Hey it's me, we're almost ready out here. Can I come in?" Hopper asked. Joyce opened the door quickly, just in case Mike walked by. Hopper stepped in and stopped in his tracks when he saw El. And then he blinked and tears fell down his cheeks. El smiled and felt herself choke up and gave Hop a big hug, careful not to ruin her hair or smear her makeup.

"You look so beautiful. And I'm so proud of you kid. So proud," Hopper said. El wiped her own eyes, thankful that she'd bought some waterproof mascara for this day. Joyce gave her a hug and went into the chapel and found her seat in a pew.

"You ready?" Hopper asked. El nodded and hooked her arm in his. The girls went out before them and Max met up with Lucas. Maid of honor and the best man. Dustin had to walk with Karen and Will with Nancy since El didn't have any other friends to be in the wedding. And sweet little Holly got to be the flower girl. But that was all okay. Today was a family day. Max and Lucas walked down the aisle, then Karen and Dustin, and then Will and Nancy. Holly went down the aisle, joyously throwing flower petals.  Then the song for the bride played and the doors opened. El felt her heart pounding and gripped on Hopper's arm.

"It's okay," he whispered. She ignored the crowd and her eyes landed on Mike. He covered his mouth with his hand and she saw some tears fall down his face. She bit inside her cheeks, trying not to cry. He looked so handsome. She couldn't believe she was about to marry him. Hopper stepped up on the stage and held El's hand out to Mike and he reached forward and took her hand and he and Hopper nodded at each other as Mike held El's hand and helped her the rest of the way onto the stage. Hopper walked over and sat down beside Joyce and she took his hand.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are joined here today to celebrate the union of these two in marriage..."

El stopped listening to the priest. She and Mike stared at each other. She'd never been more in love with him than she was that moment. And every second of standing on the stage with him for their wedding only made her love stronger.

Mike took in how absolutely beautiful El looked. She was the most stunning person he'd ever seen. He felt a couple more tears slip down his cheek, but he didn't bother to wipe them away. He loved her so unbelievably much, and he would love her more every second until his last dying breath.

"Do you, Mike Wheeler, take El Hopper to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, until death do you part?"

"I do," he said, putting the ring on her finger.

"Do you, El Hopper, take Mike Wheeler to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, until death do you part?"

"I do..." she choked out and slid the ring on his finger, tears falling down her face.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride," the priest said. Mike put his hands on El's jaw and pulled her face to his and kissed her with more passion than ever before. She had her hands on his waist, gripping his suit. Everyone stood up and cheered and clapped and El reached up and caressed his cheek. He took her hand and they walked back down the aisle together, people blowing bubbles on them. Now it was time for the reception.


Mike and El drove their own car to the location for the reception. He came around and helped her out of the car as everyone pulled in behind them. They went inside and both of them gasped. They'd had no hand in setting up the place-it was all Karen and Joyce and Nancy.

As everyone was eating dinner at the reception, Lucas walked over to the little stage that was in the building and tapped his glass.

"I'm so scared of what he's going to say..." El whispered to Mike.

"So first of all, I'd like to congratulate Mike and El. I've been there every step of your guys' relationship. I was there when you first met. When you had your first breakup. When you finally reunited after that long year of being apart. And every other little and big milestone in between. You two are the definition of love, and you've actually taught me a thing or two about love. And I know that the future has great things in store for you. You've been soulmates since you first laid eyes on each other. And I want nothing but the best for you guys. I love you guys. To Mike and El!" He said and held his glass up.

"To Mike and El!" The crowd said. El smiled and wiped some tears from her eyes and she and Mike kissed softly.

"My turn!" Max said and jumped up to the stage.

"Okay, I'm more scared of her. Especially now that she's had several drinks," El said. Mike laughed and took her hand. Max was prepping to say some embarrassing shit, and she could tell.

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