Girl Fight Pt. 2

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"El? Where's El?" Joyce said to Jonathan and Will. They ran through the halls of the hospital and went to the ICU, where El was in a bed, freaking out. She was having a panic attack and couldn't breathe.

"El! El!" Joyce said and ran over to her bed. Her face was extremely bruised, swollen, and cut up.

"Excuse me are you the parent?" The doctor asked.

"I-yes, yes I am," Joyce said.

"We'd like your permission to give her a sedative. It'll help her calm down and maybe fall asleep," the doctor said. Joyce nodded and they put the IV in her arm.

"I don't understand what happened?" Joyce asked.

"All that she has said is that she was jumped. I've called the police. They're going to come take a statement when she's a little more aware," The doctor said.

"She was jumped?" Joyce said. She went back over to El and was running her hands through her hair to try and calm her down.

"Who did this to you El?" Joyce asked. Will and Jonathan stood on the other side of her bed.

"Kirsten...Allison...Taylor...Madison...Haley...Macy...they...did it..." El cried.

"Your friends? Why? Why would they do that?" Jonathan said.

"They wanted revenge for something I said...and they made...they made a video," El said. She was finally panicking less and her breathing was under control again. Joyce looked at Jonathan and Will and El grabbed Will's hand.

"Mike...I want Mike..." she whimpered.

"I'll go call the Wheeler's," Jonathan said. He ran around the corner to the phone and dialed their number.

"Hello?" Mrs. Wheeler said.

"Hi Karen, it's Jonathan. Is-"

"Hi Jonathan! How are you?" Karen said.

"I can't talk right now. Listen, where's Mike?" Jonathan said.

"He's downstairs, why?"

"Just put him on the phone, please. Immediately," Jonathan said. A moment later, Mike was on the other end of the line.

"Jonathan? What's wrong?"

"Mike, it's El. She's in the hospital. She got beat up pretty bad by her friends. She wants you, so get here as fast as you can and we'll explain more later," Jonathan said and hung up. About an hour and a half later, Mike and Nancy emerged into El's room. Mike choked and covered his mouth with his hand.

"El? El! Oh my god...what happened to her?" He asked, crouching at her bedside and holding her hand.

"She said her friends did this. She said something about revenge and how they filmed it all on a video camera. She uh...her left eardrum is busted, she has a concussion, and she may have permanent vision loss in her left eye..." Joyce said. Mike teared up and that's when El woke up and started having a panic attack again.

"Woah woah hey El, it's me! It's Mike!" He said. She turned and looked at him and her breathing slowed and she calmed down as Mike pet her hair, saying 'it's me, it's Mike' repeatedly in a whispered tone. She reached up and touched his face for just a second, but she was really weak and doped up on pain medication so she couldn't really bear the weight to hold her arm up.

"Lay with me..." she said and pulled him onto the hospital bed with her. He laid beside her, propped up on his elbow. Then a police officer materialized in the door.

"I'm here to take a statement from Miss...El Hopper," he said. El looked at Mike and the police officer stepped in and sat down. El gave her statement, and at the end she had to be put to sleep again because she was freaking out.

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