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(Modern Mileven)
(Age: 18)
(Requested by SondaCreasy . Enjoy lovely! Hope it lives up to your expectations! :)❤️)

It was March 13, 2020. Superstitions were being passed around about the day. It was the party's senior year, and things were great. Mike and El already had prom plans and El was preparing for a band concert, in which she was supposed to have a solo. It was a classic Friday at school, everyone excited for the weekend.

Mike walked El to her last class before lunch and kissed her cheek.

"I'll see you in a bit," he said. She smiled and he walked away with Lucas and Max to the class they all shared. El sat in her seat and started talking to Melissa, her only real friend outside of the party.

"I cannot believe it is not spring break yet," El huffed. AP calculus. What fun. She checked for the teacher and took her phone out of her waistband and scrolled through Instagram for a minute. Once the bell rang she quickly threw her phone into her jeans and got out her homework assignment. She passed it forward and got out her note sheet that they hadn't finished yesterday. They spent the entire class taking notes and in the last five minutes of class, the principal came on the loud speaker.

"Teachers and students sorry for the interruption, but per the state and federal orders, schools will be closing for the next 3 weeks as a precaution to the coronavirus. Students should take home all necessary materials to study and do homework," He said. The speaker went off and everyone looked at each other. Then the bell rang for class. Everyone excitedly gathered their stuff up and El ran to her locker to put it away then went to lunch. As she went through the lunch line and walked to the table, the school was abuzz about the news. She was the last one to the table and she plopped down.

"3 weeks off of school? And then spring break so that's 4 weeks!" She said and opened her water bottle.

"It's exciting! Guys we have so much extra time for our senior spring break trip now! We can do two weeks instead of 1!" Max said. She and Lucas high fived and Will interjected.

"Didn't you hear the principal? The reason we're getting out of school is so no one gets sick from coronavirus! We don't need to be traveling!" Will said.

"Relax there's only, like, a thousand cases in the entire country! Out of over 360 million people!" Dustin said. Will rolled his eyes and went silent, eating his lunch and not conversing with anyone anymore.

At the end of the day, El stuffed her textbooks in her backpack excitedly and her notebooks. She sent Hopper a text message to let him know she was on her way home and about the school situation, just in case he didn't know. She met up with Mike and he drove her home. They sat in her driveway and she gave him a big kiss.

"I love you," she said softly, kissing him again.

"I love you too," he said back. She loved the way his voice was smooth and gentle when he talked to her. He caressed her cheeks ever so gently and planted another delicate kiss on her lips. She climbed out of the car and stood in the driveway, waving at him and blowing him a kiss as he backed his car out. He honked at her as he drove off and she sighed with a slight smile on her face. She was content. She loved her man so much.

She went inside and plopped down on her bed. She wanted to work on homework now so that she wouldn't have to for the rest of their little break. Her band concert was pushed back to the Friday after spring break now. Whatever; she had more time to practice.

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