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(Age: 20)
(Warning: mature themes)

It was summer. Finally. While Mike and El had, naturally, fine to college together, everyone else went separate ways. College classes had ended and the party was finally going to get back together for a vacation. To where? Only Mike and Lucas knew.

They were all taking flights and meeting at the place. El, Max, Lucas, and Dustin boarded their planes to learn they were meeting in Florida, where Mike and Lucas had spent all of their savings from over the last several years to rent a private beach house for a few days.

"I can not believe you and Lucas spent all of your money to rent us a vacation house," El said as they sat down in their plane seats.

"We wanted to. It's been too long since we've all been together. This will be good for all of us. And it'll give you and I a chance to spend some real, quality, romantic time together and not just a quick kiss between classes," Mike said.

"We have plenty of quality time together! Like that one time we uh...or that other time we...huh, I guess not," she said. He placed a soft kiss on her temple and she blushed.

"It's gonna be great. I love you," he said and smiled at her. She smiled back and turned her head before he could kiss her cheek, so their lips met softly.

"I love you too," she said. They held hands on the plane ride. It wasn't as long as they thought it would be. El got her things excitedly when they got to the airport. Somehow, all of their flights were landing at the same time. She searched the airport for Max, whom she was desperately excited to see.



The two girls ran to each other and hugged, laughing like crazy. Mike and the guys were really excited to see each other too, but they did better at hiding it. Max gave Mike a small hug; meanwhile El gave Lucas, Will, and Dustin huge embraces. El watched as Lucas and Max kissed excitedly; they probably hadn't seen each other in a while.

"So how have you been? Mike's still been good to you, right?" Max asked El. The two girls walked together behind the guys, talking.

"Yea. We haven't uh...had a lot of time together in a while. We've been super busy. But he says we're getting some quality time this week, sooo...yeah. How about you and Lucas?"

"Good. Long distance is hard, but he's so understanding and we're going strong. I heard Will is dating someone," Max said under her breath.

"No way? Who?"

"No clue. We'll have to grill him and find out."

"What about Dustin?"

"No clue on him either. We'll have to grill him too." The girls laughed and high fived. Oh how they'd missed each other.

"I got a couple cabs to get us to the beach house," Lucas said when they got outside. Mike, El, and Dustin ended up riding together and Lucas, Max, and Will rode in the other. It was about a 15 minute drive from the airport to the beach house. They pulled up and unloaded their stuff and Mike covered El's eyes.

"Alright, ladies and gentlemen, this is our vacation house!" Lucas and Mike said. Mike uncovered El's eyes and a smile spread on her face simultaneously with everyone else.

"We are NOT staying here! No way you guys!" Max said.

"Yes! For five days!" Mike said.

"Well what are you waiting for? Take us on the tour!" Dustin said. Lucas and Mike led the group inside. The living room, kitchen, and dining room were large and open, with lots of big windows. The living room looked out over a large, private deck with a beach. El gasped and shook Max's arm.

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