More Than A Friend

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(This one will be a 2-3 part one and also features Max a little more, as well as some stuff involving Billy)

Mike and El had been absolutely best friends for years. They did everything together and they were very attached to each other. Everyone knew they were in love; except for them. Sort of.

El was spending time with Max, her other best friend, when she sat down across from El on the bed.

"Can I ask you something?" Max asked in all seriousness.

"Of course. Are you okay?" El said, setting down her book and giving Max her full attention.

"What? Yea I'm fine. Do you love Mike?" Max asked. El went slightly slack jawed.

"Of course I love Mike. He's my best friend," El said. Max couldn't help but giggle ever so softly. El was still decently innocent about a lot of things in life.

"I mean love love him. Like you would love a boyfriend."

"You mean like you and Lucas?" El asked. Her eyes went sort of wide as Max nodded.

"I...I don't know. And even if I did, it would make things awkward. And I can't lose him," El said. She fiddled her fingers together in her lap. She didn't want to admit that she was head over heels in love with him. He probably didn't see her as anything more than a best friend. So playing it off as being oblivious to it seemed to be a good way to go.

"Eleven, you can talk to me. I wouldn't tell him anything. I wouldn't tell anyone. It stays between us. I promise," Max said. El sighed and bit her lip.

"I...Max, I'm so in love with him..." El said. She burst into tears and Max was shocked. She just held El in a gentle hug and tried to comfort her.

"Hey, it's going to be okay. Maybe he feels the same way. You never know," Max said.

"I can't stand it when he talks to me about a girl he thinks is pretty or when he is considering dating one...Max I just wish I could tel him and not worry about losing him..." El cried. Max sighed, thinking hard. She'd never been in a situation like that, but she imagined it must be painful to be in love with your best friend. Then she gasped.

"I have an idea!" Max said. El sat up and grabbed a tissue, wiping her eyes.

"What is it?" She asked.

"That school dance in a couple weeks. I know we're all going as a group of friends, but we know for a fact they're going to play a slow song-" Max started.

"I'm the only single one in the group," El interrupted.

"Let me finish. Dustin will be dancing with his girlfriend and Will with his boyfriend. But, I'm going to talk to Lucas-"

"No!" El protested.

"El, let me finish my plan before you freak out," Max said with a giggle. El let out a deep breath and nodded.


"I'm going to talk to Lucas and we're going to get a special song played for you and Mike. When this slow song comes on, you're going to sit down at the table while we all dance for a second and make yourself look sad and lonely. We're going to point out to Mike how sad you look and tell him it won't be awkward to dance with you because you're so close. Then while you're dancing, you're going to kiss him," Max said.

"That is not happening," El said immediately.

"It's the perfect setting! Romantic music, lighting, just the two of you dancing. It'd be a perfect time to at least confess your feelings," Max said. El felt herself choke up again. Max did have a point. It might be her only chance.

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