trust the process

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I was stunned for a moment and refused to move. It may as well be a test. I kept my eyes on the ground when I saw him move, dropping onto one knee in front of me and right when he did it; the team behind him followed. I turned to see Jackson with his jaw hanging open. The male in front of me reached out and laid a hand on my shoulder and I was pulled up to stand in front of him.

"I've been waiting for this day." He told me, his eyes becoming small with the amount of smiling he was doing. "My name is Lai Guanlin, the acting monarch of Eve. Your twin."

My twin?!

I coughed, my body doubling over and I saw Protector Park Jihoon look over at me warily. I had a twin? Maybe this is what Gemini said when he said "I'm very honored to be part of your making." I thought that my ascending or venus would be a Gemini but I didn't expect for me to have a twin! My mind was reeling-then again, he did tell me that all twins were of his making. Why couldn't I connect the dots?

"H-How can you speak so many languages?" I found myself asking in Korean, Guanlin chuckling.

"We're all polylingual. You must have so many questions." He observed my friends behind me with no malice. "Though we must take precautions. Sister, I have to bring both of you into the lab for check-up."

"C-Check up?" I asked, suddenly scared. Things were going too smooth. Maybe he wanted to experiment on us! "What check up?"

He must have seen the sudden wariness on my features, Guanlin telling me that it was just procedure before adding. "I know they all call you Harin, a very pretty name I must add."

For my twin brother, he was very polite. The guy named Park Jihoon stood beside him with such a brooding demeanor, it almost made me think that maybe he was the monarch and this Guanlin guy was trying to act his way through to con me. I had trust issues.

"How do you even know my name? And what does Guanlin mean?"

"We have our ways." He replied. "It's Chinese. A lot of our culture is shaped by different cultures around the four worlds."

"Oh. My name was given to me at birth." I told him softly and he nodded. "I never studied Chinese."

"How about I give you a Chinese name?" He asked with a hint of excitement, giving a little bounce. "How does Hualin sound?"

"S-Sounds great." I replied, feeling three behind me. Mark, Jackson and Baekhyun had took a step closer and stood close to me. When I looked at them, they made a shocked pikachu face that made me feel a little better. At least if something ever happened, I had these three idiots.

"Let us head to the labs." Guanlin said, motioning to the man beside him. "Protector Park Jihoon, lead the way."

We were in a cave and I didn't know what to expect. I followed Guanlin close behind as we marked down the cave and we were met by a cable car. I know I always thought that it was filled with banshees and dark creatures, but I didn't expect to see so much... technology.

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