Epilogue: Part II [Kids.]

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It was a Saturday and we were all ready to head over to the production site

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It was a Saturday and we were all ready to head over to the production site. It was Kyungsoo's very special day and Sehun, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Bacon and I arrived there early. We were lounging in front, watching the stage get ready as Kyungsoo, Lucas and Johnny were in a meeting. It didn't take long until we heard a greeting and turned to see Kai, Chen and Bora. Kai had been exploring through Earth and his show ratings did well. It did even better with Chen around and the two were known as the iconic exploration duo.

"Hey there." Kai greeted, ruffling Bacon's hair endearingly. It was funny how Bacon loved everyone except Baekhyun but we knew it would change soon due to the upcoming plans of the whole family going to go to Boy's Scouts. I hugged the familiar faces of my friends when I saw more people arrive-Wooseung waved and he was with Suho and Arielle. Seungwoo was on the phone trailing behind them, handling business.

"Seniors, it's almost starting." Yangyang said. He was one of the producers along with his NCT members and he told us to go on the bleachers. Luhan then texted into the group chat that he was with Kris and Lay and they were reaching. Pocketing my phone, we all walked up to sit-the stage lights whirring around.

I leaned against Sehun, not knowing what to expect. Was "The Battle of the Keeper's" something like X-factor? Or was it like jeopardy? I saw Johnny roll up his sleeves and clear his throat, staring at the cue cards. He didn't seem nervous and I guessed that was a really good thing. Johnny had a knack of MC-ing while Kyungsoo stood in the background.

"Okay, we have to explain how the show works first. This is the first recording and we want everyone to get the gist of it. There will be one Master and the final Keeper that the Master chooses will be the ultimate Keeper." Johnny said and Kyungsoo clapped his hands behind him.

"So, it's like the Bachelor, but with Keepers." I said to Sehun who frowned.

"What's a Bachelor?"

"Nevermind." I quickly said and I saw Johnny head to the side. Kyungsoo went to the middle to finally make his opening speech and I heard him clear his throat.

"Hello. My name Puff Kyungsoo." He mumbled. For someone so aggressive all the time, Kyungsoo seemed very camera shy. "Today we will have small test for Keepers. We start show now. One, two three... go!"

A bunch of Keepers then appeared and formed a line on stage. They all looked very fit to be Keepers, Johnny clearing his throat in the microphone.

"Your Master has a Christmas party to go to. You have five minutes to choose an outfit." Johnny read from the cards. "What kind of outfit are you going to choose?"

And a ruckus it was, all the other Keepers running around and crashing towards each other as they all tried to grab the right suits. I found my toes curling and rooting for a particular Keeper, Sehun telling me which was his favorite one. It didn't take long for them to finally choose their outfits, Kyungsoo going to inspect what they have chosen.

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