Epilogue: Part I [Kids?]

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It has been a year and Sehun has been going to work every day

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It has been a year and Sehun has been going to work every day. But today was the day I would go to Chittaphon University with Sehun. Jeno was given the opportunity to take his doctorate and master's a year ago. It was a fast track one and Lee Jeno was the top of his class, passing the master's exam in Eve and finally on the road to getting his Doctorate, a year later. Sehun had sponsored Jeno's education, treating Jeno like a younger brother.

Today was the day Jeno would graduate and officially have "Dr. Jeno." on his ID card and Jaemin was ecstatic that he was finally married to a "doctor". I went down to the breakfast room to see Sehun, Jeno, Jaemin, and Baekhyun eating breakfast. I sat beside Sehun, kissing his cheek as I saw Jeno stare at a piece of paper. Since he was the top of his class, he would be making a speech and he seemed nervous.

"You'll do great, Jeno." I told him and he cracked a small smile. It didn't take long before Jaemin went up to wake up the kids and it was time we had to portal to Chittaphon Universities. I heard a ring from my phone and I looked at the message from the 4U app, just to see that it was Kyungsoo.

"Turtle, Kyungsoo making flower for Jeno. What flower he want? Sunflower????" He asked with sunflowers as an emoticon. I chuckled, telling him that Jeno would love any flower and I stepped through the portal, finally being teleported to Chittaphon Universities.

I saw Luhan wave at us. Luhan was actively helping Ten with University matters and Chittaphon University was now a place where all Evian, Eurenic, Gaians, and Exodes came to study. From afar, I saw Suga and Key deep in conversation.

I remember being shocked when I found out that Suga and Key were half brothers, but they got along well. Suga and Key being businessmen, they both worked at Oh Shun's old factory and some days they would come to Chittaphon University to teach business lectures.

"It's here." Sehun told me and I walked into the venue. People were clapping for those who were graduating and I saw Jeno prepare to go on stage. Jaemin was holding up his camera proudly as the kids began to scamper to hold up a banner that said "Congratulations, Dr. Jeno!".

"Chenle, stop blocking the banner with your big head!" Jaemin was saying to his son, Chenle ducking down. "Jeno! Handsome boy, look here and smile. Everybody! THAT'S MY HUSBAND!"

I saw Jeno smile awkwardly, his face turning red with embarrassment.

"Hello, my name is Lee Jeno and I am the Valedictorian of the Psychology Doctorate Program." Jeno began, adjusting his suit as Jisung, Chenle, and Renjun shook the big banner to cheer for their father figure. "I would like to thank my Senior Sehun for sponsoring my education, I will continue to work hard for the Order as a negotiator. I would like to thank..." His eyes fell on Jaemin and the kids. "Thank my family. Na Jaemin, my paired partner who would stay up with me for countless nights as I studied and worked at the same time. Jisung, Chenle, Renjun who would always remind me that I could do it. I love you, guys. Thank you again."

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