she's a cow, oh sehun!

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[Ong Seungwu]

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[Ong Seungwu]

I fell asleep on Wooseung's bed last night and was awoken by my phone ringing beside me. I stretched out on the bed, turning to see that my brother was deep in sleep. Glancing at the time, I saw that it was still 8 am in the morning. Groaning, I reached over to hang up the call when I saw that it was Jackson, sighing as I lifted the phone to my ear.

"It's today!" He said excitedly and as sleepy as I was, I smiled at his voice. "It's finally the day I get to see you!"

How lucky I was, to have my presence missed and my existence loved.

"It's 8 in the morning. I thought you told me the game starts at 3?" I asked and he laughed deviously. I groaned, realizing that Jackson was just playing with me, wanting to wake me up early. "Wang Jackson, you know I hate being woken up."

"Is that Jackson?" My brother asked suddenly, rubbing his eyes and reaching over the headboard to search for his glasses. I gave him a nod and Seungwoo placed the glasses on his face. "Tell him I said hi."

'Seungwoo Oppa says hi." I told Jackson and he returned his greetings politely, before reminding me to be there at 3 pm and hanging up. "Goodmorning." I said to Seungwoo who had switched from Wooseung last night and he nodded sleepily, rubbing his eyes.

"I'm still so sleepy." He complained, but Seungwoo wasn't one to stay in bed all day. "Wooseung talks so much these days, it's like my brain never shuts down."

"At least you're not fighting and you get to interact." I told him, tying my hair into a high bun. I had no plans of getting out of bed until the time comes for me to leave the house, sinking back in under my brothers covers. Seungwoo nodded in agreement, suddenly deep in thought.

"It makes me realize though, that Wooseung and I do seem like a different person all together." Seungwoo began. "I mean, I know it's all in my head but he doesn't seem like a different version of me. Sometimes I feel like he's not me."

I listened to him, pressing my lips together, my mind training around the thought. "I think that I always treated you and Wooseung differently and even though he's just a different side of you, he's a different person altogether too."

"I guess. The human brain really is a complicated thing." Seungwoo replied before standing up. "I am going to the lab and will probably stay there for the whole day. Wooseung says he wants tomorrow for himself."

"I'm going to Jackson's game in the afternoon. You want to join?' I asked even though I already knew what he was about to say and he shook his head, making a face.

If it was Wooseung, he'd jump to the opportunity to go out but this was Seungwoo. He reminded me of his pure hatred for university games and I realized that it was also because he had a past with women from university who kept playing him for his money with not an ounce of respect for the kind of person he was. My brother told me to go back to sleep and it wasn't long till I sunk back into slumber, the cold breeze of Seoul coming in through the open window.

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