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[Triton Territory]

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[Triton Territory]

He's a royal...

Queen said can't eat him.

Use him for flesh!

Sweet blood... others... not so much.

He smells dryad...

We prepare... We prepare for feast!

Suho paced around the jail that was in the sunken ship as the male sirens flocked in front of the cage, waiting for the time to eat all of them. Kyungsoo was beside Sehun, the male growing kelp aggressively from his fingers and placing it on Sehun's bleeding abdomen. They're actions were slowed by the water.

"It's good it's not deep, Senior." Jaehyun said to Sehun who nodded. "They can tell by your blood that you're a royal. I think they'll not do anything to you."

"They'll probably use Sehun as leverage to get human flesh every month." Baekhyun continued. "When they get us out of here to eat us; can't you use your passive skill and turn invisible, Sehun? You're a hybrid but I have never seen you use your passive, even for duels."

"They still see me if I turn invisible, Baekhyun. I don't disappear fully; they'll still see the outline. And I don't use my passive skill because it takes too much energy and drains me out. I can't turn invisible and use my powers at the same time. I'm not Doyoung from NCT. That guy can vanish in thin air because it's his only skill." Sehun explained patiently, his eyes rolling to the back of his head as Kyungsoo wound more kelp on his wound. Fuck, it was painful.

Suho was deep in thought and Sehun sighed, telling his senior to sit down and stop swimming around but Suho was ridden by anxiety.

"They'll come and get us when they know the bubble will pop." Suho said to them. "I hope Kris comes and brings us back up. He would, wouldn't he?"

"I think we have to think of a plan of what to do. I can't just keep throwing boulders at them." Johnny said. "How about your animals, Jaehyun? Did it work?"

"I think it did." Jaehyun replied. "I felt something but I'm also not sure." The male let out a sigh, closing his eyes. "I'll try again but it'll take time. And even when they come, we need to find a way to unlock the jail and be out by that time. We also have to find the staff-"

"So many things to do, so little time-" Sehun said when he yowled, his hand grabbing his arm.

"Wha-What wrong?" Kyungsoo asked, flailing his hands, his eyes on Sehun who was gripping his arm. "Why hurt your arm?"

"No idea." Sehun muttered, but his mind went onto Harin. Something was happening to her. He could feel it. He bit his lip and it didn't take more than twenty minutes when a wave of intense pain went through his body. "FUCK!"

The Rise of the Mages [EXO VERSION]Where stories live. Discover now