why you pressure me?

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[Royal Castle]

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[Royal Castle]

I fell asleep almost straight away, the calming of the yellow light giving me reassurance. I don't think I moved around a lot when I slept, but I enjoyed the feeling of being surrounded by pillows. I rolled over in my sleep, snuggling against the pillow that I laid in the middle just to wonder why it wasn't soft. The pillow was smooth and hard, the warmth unlike silk. Mumbling to myself, I raised a hand to grab the pillow just to wonder why it felt like a person's back.

"Wooseung." I said, groaning in my sleep. My brother always slept on my side of the bed! I kept my eyes shut, pushing my leg out and nudging the body beside me. "Wooseung-"

The body of the person turned around and I heard him groan. A hand went up to caress my face before becoming limp as the person fell back to sleep. I heard him mumble something sleepily like "Go back to sleep." and I reached up to grab the hand that was near my chin, my eyes opening to a sleeping Sehun.

Oh, I forgot.

I forgot.

I frantically flailed my arms, shooting up and rolling to the other edge of the bed before losing my balance; slamming my shoulder against the ground. Pain shot down my arm and I held it.

"Ouch!" I yelped at the same time as Sehun.

"Ouch!" He had yelled out and I sat up, massaging my shoulder just to see him doing the same thing, his sleepiness seemed to linger at the way he rubbed his eyes slowly; his facial expression in pain.

"Why are you 'ouching'? I'm the one who fell!" I barked, frowning at him and Sehun looked at me as if he forgot that I was in the room. He pressed his arm before running a hand through his hair. His bed hair was messy but it looked unintentionally intentional and I stood up.

"I don't know, it just hurt." He replied, his eyes traveling to the clock on the wall. "It's 5:03 am in the morning, Gaian. Can you not wake me up at odd hours?"

"Why are you on the bed?" I asked back, climbing back under the covers and lowering myself down, Sehun doing the same. "After all the; "I'm not Baekhyun, Chanyeol or Kyungsoo."" I mimicked his voice and he turned to narrow his eyes on me.

"Mimic me one more time and I'll show you exactly why I'm not Baekhyun, Chanyeol, or Kyungsoo." His voice was hard and I shut up almost immediately, looking into the darkness. Early mornings like this always seemed lonely and I remembered when I used to wake up at home with no one to talk to.

Somehow, in Exodus, I never felt lonely.

Silence settled in the air and I looked over to see Sehun's eyes that were closed. As much of an ass he was, Sehun was blessed with everything from good looks to a good background. Some people were just given too much attention by the gods, were they?

The Rise of the Mages [EXO VERSION]Where stories live. Discover now