the start of a new beginning

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Jisung was a smart kid

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Jisung was a smart kid. As much as everyone babied him to the point that he was spoilt and knew he would live life with getting what he wanted by whining, he was a smart kid and he spent a lot of his time reading. There was a reason why he was able to grow nights bane on his own and knew how much to put to keep his family members asleep for a few hours. Jisung was smarter than he looked and he knew it.

Sitting in the cell, Jisung's eyes swept over his surroundings. They were going to kill him and he knew that his people were coming, but it took less than a second to take a life. Jisung chewed on his lip, his eyes over to the moss that was growing at the side of the cell. The Locked Lands were filled with dark magic, even their plants a different breed. Jisung recalled reading about them when choosing the right plant to put in Nana's tea and it didn't take long until he realized that the plant was called the deadly moss.

It was deadly depending on dosage. You take too much, you die. You take a little, your heart rate goes down and your body is left cold. You body will turn into a greyish color and Jisung eyed the moss, trying to come to a decision.

"Oi! When are going to start killing?" A man asked a guard. They were beginning to kill people and bury them, Jisung pressing his back against the cell when he made up his mind. He grabbed the moss and popped it in his mouth, chewing it quickly before swallowing it. He hoped that he chewed enough for his body to react to it-he hoped he chewed the right amount and not too much to die.

Almost immediately, Jisung felt his body drain of blood as the moss lowered his heart rate. His lips began to turn purple and if they saw them like this, they would think that he had died from the cold. Jisung felt himself topple to the ground, closing his eyes as the moss worked its magic.

It didn't take long till they noticed the young boy, five minutes later. His body cold and his skin tinged blue.

Jisung held his breath as they yelled out that he had decided to take his own life-Oh Shin whipping his head around at the sight of Jisung's limp body.

"What an idiot." Oh Shin mused. "He must have been scared. Then it's easier for us." Oh Shin murmured. "Bury him with the rest of the dead people."

Jisung felt them drop his body, the young boy staying still as they began to rake dirt over his body. This helped Jisung, the dirt acting as a blanket. Jisung stuck a finger into his mouth and found himself wrenching the moss out of his system. Acid stained his tongue and Jisung could hear the sounds of the people talking go further away. They were going to call it a night and Jisung knew there was no better time than now.

Digging his way out from the blanket of dirt, Jisung moved slowly as he sat up. He was buried with the dead people and no one was there. No one ever guarded dead people. With that, Jisung crept away and began to run.

But luck wasn't on his side and they noticed him.



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