the power of alcohol

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[Dining room]

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[Dining room]

"Come!" Haechan had said, Mark going up to his friend and standing beside him before grabbing my hand. My eyes widened when Haechan held Eunwoo's hand, my hand automatically holding Eunwoo's as Haechan began to open the box and push us towards it.

"W-Wait, wait wait-" I gasped when I stumbled towards the box, suddenly dropping into nothingness with Eunwoo and Mark when I bounced softly, landing on what seemed like freshly mowed land. Blinking, I looked around me and couldn't help but stare in awe at what I was seeing.

We were in front of a mansion.

An actual mansion inside a box. There were multiple floors, grass that was actual grass and a massive statue in front of the mansion with the words "Rumpelstiltskin". I frowned at the name, wondering where I've heard that name before when I remembered that it was a fairytale back on Earth. Frowning, I remembered that it was about a tiny creature that was bad and granted wishes, stealing a baby princess unless people could guess its name. Opening my mouth to ask Mark, I saw Haechan drop down from the top of the box, landing softly onto his feet and smiling widely.

"Welcome to my mansion!" He exclaimed, clapping his hands.

"Nice statue." Eunwoo said to him and he nodded, motioning to the big statue of a small sized man with a long nose and a point hat.

"Yes. That's Rumpelstiltskin. He's my uncle. He built this mansion for me." Haechan answered like it was general knowledge and I frowned, looking at Haechan. He did not seem like he would be related to a "Rumpelstiltskin.".

"Rumpelstiltskin on Earth was a bad man." I told Haechan and he whipped his face to me, shaking his head. "I mean, there's a story of Rumpelstiltskin back on Earth too..." My voice trailed as I tried not to offend him any further.

"He used to be bad but then now he's good!" Haechan cried and I apologized, seeing his big eyes fill up with tears. "He's doing community service now to repent for his sins! I'm going to see Johnny now!" and with that he stomped away into the mansion when I saw my brother come out.

"Harin!" He exclaimed, running to me and giving me a hug. I took note of the glasses on his nose and he cupped my face lovingly before turning to Eunwoo curiously but not saying anything and introducing himself as Seungwoo, my brother. If this was Wooseung he would have already bombarded me with questions.

"I think I made Haechan cry." I admitted and Seungwoo chuckled. "I said Rumpelstiltskin was bad on Earth."

"I did the same too when I first saw the statue. That's why Haechan doesn't like me but likes Wooseung more." Seungwoo said, giving Mark a high-five. Mark decided to go back into the mansion first while Eunwoo stood beside me, Seungwoo tackling me into another hug.

"Happy birthday, by the way. I wanted you to spend some time in a place that wasn't your bed room so I thought of Haechan. I mean, Wooseung, thought of Haechan." He said, smiling. "And don't worry about making Haechan cry. He gets sensitive when people talk about Rumpelstiltskin. They all call him 'The boy who hid Rumpelstiltskin'"

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