your normal and my normal are different

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I'd be lying if I said I wasn't grateful for Sehun, as arrogant as he was, he had saved me two times in a matter of days. We both were holding the orb and I refused to let it go, keeping in mind that I was the one who found it first. Sehun released it, and slowly he floated down onto the ground. I stuffed the orb in my coat protectively, dusting myself off.

"I saw a creature; it was round and fluffy and had a horn on its head." I told him, trying to explain why I was up on a tree in the first place. He nodded, his hands going into his coat as he shivered and I realized that his coat looked familiar.

"That was a screamer. It's a good thing you ran, those things bite." He said, turning on his heels and walking away. My eyes widened and I followed him, scared that screamers would show up any second. It was hard making conversation with Sehun, but there were a few things I was curious about so I blurted it out before I could stop myself.

"So, you can fly?" I asked him, remembering that he hovered in the air with his duel with Lay.

He didn't answer and just nodded, continuing to walk. His long legs brought him forward faster than my legs could and I stumbled clumsily after him, keeping a close distance for my safety.

"So, you're like Kris?"

A huff of annoyance escaped his lips but he answered this time, not slowing down.

"I can't fly as high as he can." We were nearing the path now, and I recognized the tree that Kyungsoo had sat down against while playing with dirt.

"Oh. So, what else can you do? And where's Tao?" I asked, suddenly slamming into his back since my eyes were on the ground and he turned around, his eyes flashing gray once more. A gust of air blew and he bent down, his eyes narrowing on my face.

"Look, Gaian." He warned, his voice low. "I'm not here to answer your questions. Until you find your powers, you're going to be a waste of space and will be useless in war. So, until then, scram."

I was bent backwards and I blinked at his demeanor, realizing that he was indeed, very annoyed with my presence. Weirdly, this didn't bother me and I knew that it was only a matter of time until I would go back to Earth and live the normal life without ever seeing Sehun again. He straightened himself back up and before we knew it, Kai appeared in thin air; waving at us.

"Ms. Tiffany has asked you guys to go to the courtyard! I see you both have got the orb!"

"She got it." Sehun corrected him and I was happy he didn't care about winning the event. When we exited the forest, I saw a Kyungsoo waiting patiently for Sehun, dirt smeared on his face. Without even looking at me, he walked up to Sehun and followed him from behind. Talk about having your own minion, I thought. Kai walked beside me and we saw every one crowded in the courtyard.

"There they are! Our winners!" Ms. Tiffany said, beaming down on us. "Since both of you touched the orb, you both are the winners and are given one weekend off to Soul City, use it wisely!"

"Oh, Sehun. Where's Tao? And why is it you two?" Chanyeol asked, jogging up to us. He looked at me and back to Sehun like he was wondering why we were together instead of our partners.

"She almost fell off a tree and I caught her in time." Sehun said, shrugging. "Tao was tired and wanted to sleep instead so I let him. I think individual training has been strenuous for him these days."

"Does that mean you'll go to Soul City? Can you do me a favor and buy some eggwarts in the market? I've been having blisters everywhere. Every time I play with Chanyeol he goes rough and burns me. Senior Lay has been complaining that we're out of eggwarts." Kai told Sehun who didn't seem like he was listening.

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