call me oppa

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 The sun has come up and I woke up, running down the stairs to see Ahjumma in the kitchen

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The sun has come up and I woke up, running down the stairs to see Ahjumma in the kitchen. Her calm humming made me stop, remembering my conversation with the boys in the car. Pressing my lips together, I tiptoed into the kitchen and walked to the fridge to open it while her back was on me. My eyes scanned what we had and I grabbed fresh meat, unwrapping it quickly to put it on a plate when I heard Ahjumma talk.

"Harin? Oh, you're awake. I'm making food-" She stopped talking when she saw me extend the plate to her, hopeful that she would take it. "What are you doing?"

"My sacrifice." I told her, smiling and it took her awhile to understand what I was talking about. Realization dawned to her face and she shooed me away; half chuckling, half nagging before telling me not to listen to the boys and that the only sacrifice I could give her was to stay safe.

"Besides, how am I supposed to eat this raw?" She asked, putting the plate back into the fridge. "I eat normal food like you humans do." She grumbled, going back to stirring the stew, talking under her breath about how she has lived the past 150 years as a human being. I couldn't stop myself from looking surprised, but I knew better than to let her see. Giving her a flying kiss, I ran back up to freshen up.

I knew the moment I reached upstairs that the boys were up, hearing the sound of breaking glass when I saw the vase on the floor. I turned to see that it was Kai who was teleporting down the hall, but his leg had slipped. Before I could open my mouth, I blinked and suddenly the vase was back in it's original place-unharmed. Frowning, I looked around, past a pestering Chanyeol and a slightly confused Suho to a Tao who had his eyes glow yellow. He saw me looking at him and lifted his hand to show that it was glowing. He must have rewound time. He must have seen the questioning in my eyes, nodding as if to answer my doubts.

"Yes, but I can do it only up to two minutes." His hand fell limply to his side and he already looked like he was exhausted. "And I haven't developed it enough to go to the future. Don't think I will ever be able to." He shrugged and stalked back into his bedroom, probably to rest his eyes more.

"Ong Harin!" I heard Baekhyun scream from the bathroom and I saw my brother come out of his room sleepily. He ruffled his hair and saw me, telling me that he'd check it out and to just do what I had to do. Leaving my brother to it, I walked into my bedroom and freshened up, brushing my long hair to the side and reaching for my cellphone.

I had forgotten all about it, so used of the Exode ways, I didn't think to even touch it the moment I reached Earth. Once it turned on, my eyes widened at the amount of calls and text messages I got.

Scrolling through my messages, I saw 47 messages from Jackson, 3 from Mark, and a couple from all my other friends who asked if I was kidnapped due to my parent's money. Shaking my head, I could see that they were a bunch of conspiracists. Pressing into the group chat, I sent a sticker. In not even a second, the phone rang and I answered it, dragging the phone away from my ear with Jackson's voice yelling as loud as he can.

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