fuck 2020

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A/N Please read it all the way through, don't be too confused. I didn't mispell Oh Shun. Also, the pandemic is horrifying. PLEASE WEAR YOUR MASKS THANK YOU!


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I was sad, mad and frustated. But most importantly, I was furious. I felt a certain type of anger I have never felt before and I hated it. It settled at the pit of my stomach and I found myself slamming my fist against the wall over and over again as the TV blared in the background. Baekhyun was on the couch with his eyes on the screen but I knew he wasn't actually watching it, tears running down his cheeks silently. I desperately wanted to do something but I had no idea what when I sniffled and sat back onto the couch.

"I can still understand Korean." Baekhyun told me softly, blinking slowly. "Senior Heechul's spell is still working."

I blinked and realized it had been just four to five months ago since Baekhyun has come to Earth and I knew it was a defense mechanism to say things to keep his mind off Chanyeol. I felt my anxiety rise and I prayed that the feeling would go away but it didn't.

"How do you think they're doing?" I asked Baekhyun who didn't look at me. I was afraid that he would hate me but he sighed, leaning back against the couch and laying his head on my shoulder. "Why did you help me, Baek?"

"I couldn't let you die." Baekhyun replied and my heart dropped. I sniffled and another session of waterworks came as I sat there with Baekhyun, the sun slowly setting. I had no idea what to do since it has been a few hours and I desperately wanted to sleep to take the pain away as time passed so I settled for the next best thing-


Oh, I sat with Baekhyun, our shot glasses clinking against each other while we downed bottles and bottles of soju. I filled it up, no break in between as I began to talk sloppily. I was angry! Sadness? Sadness hit different-I was angry and frustrated.

Baekhyun sat with me, hyping me up and before I knew it; we were standing up while screaming our hearts out.

"I hate him! I hate him! I hate him!" I yelled and Baekhyun cheered in between as he filled the shot glass to the brim. "Fuck Oh Shin!"

"Oh... I wouldn't." Baekhyun answered, making a face. I stared at the darts that was on the wall. It was Seungwoo's but then again, he would never see it again. The world spun and Baekhyun tried to stand up but he toppled onto the ground at the amount of soju we had drank on an empty stomach and rolled onto the floor.

I was already scribbling "Oh Shin" on a piece of paper and pinning it up against the wall, Baekhyun blinking at me. I was going to throw darts on his name!

I growled and Baekhyun tried to stand up, yipping at how it looked fun. I pinned the name up against the wall and before I knew it, we were throwing the darts against the wall over and over again.

The last thing I remember was that Baekhyun had to crawl to the bathroom to puke while I flopped down onto the couch and passed out from exhaustion.

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