happy enlightenment day!

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[Chanbaek in the house!]

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[Chanbaek in the house!]

I don't know why I made up my mind to go back to SM, but it felt like every thing was decided so fast. The moment I told them that I'd give it a try, everyone cheered like their country just won the football cup; we then were all told that we had to cut our trip short. In the end, I had to go back and learn how to control my powers. The trip back was uneventful and the moment I reached SM; I was told to go to individual training. The only person who was allowed to train with me was Kyungsoo because his powers and abilities to create life with his hands complemented my ability to take them.

Donghae wasn't around just yet and the days passed with Kyungsoo throwing tantrums if I didn't do well and making flowers bow down to me if I did. Every day I woke up and sat down with Kyungsoo, him creating plants in his palm and holding it in front of me.

"Try again." He would say. "Take away then push back." He would remind me, his eyes shining with eager hopefulness that I wouldn't kill it but each and every try was futile.

"Ong Harin!" He would exclaim. "Pity plant."

But he would still make more, over and over again the plants filling the classrooms. If they died, he would pet them and come back, each time more determined. He'd sit and refuse to let me leave until we were both exhausted. The rest of the week passed by like that, until school opened again and I was awoken by Baekhyun who was pounding enthusiastically on my door.

"Ong Harin!" Baekhyun yelled and I walked to the door, opening it just to see that Chanyeol was there with him. They blinked at me, looking all smiley smiley that I wondered what they did to be that way. "Surprise!"

They side stepped and I looked down to see that Bubbles was behind them. She was wearing a pink shirt over her fat body and she looked up, her eyes curving into a smile as she bounded towards me. I squealed and knelt down, hugging her. Suho had told me that Mr. Bobbit took her to the Centaur gap, where he resided and lived with his own family. Now that that school opened, she was back and I couldn't be any happier.


She honked and Baekhyun beamed at me before pushing past me and walking into my bedroom, looking around. Chanyeol followed him and I stood up, walking back inside just to see them on my bed. I crossed my arms and tilted my head at them before they flashed me a smile and told me that they'll wait until I was done and we'd go to class together. It took me half an hour with how tired I was, and by the time I was done they had fallen asleep.

"Wake up." I told Baekhyun who jolted up before stretching. I checked the time and saw that it was exactly 8 am and I still had twenty minutes more. We began to walk back to class, Chanyeol and Baekhyun talking about how they want to introduce playing "Army Feetball" to Exodes.

"It's American Football." I told them and they said they would call it whatever they wanted. My mind was wandering and as we walked past the garden, I saw Kyungsoo muttering to a plant. I gave him a wave and he blinked at me. "Say, Baek..."

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