you can call me monster

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Oh Shin was in Siwon's mansion, the dark curtains drawn. They have just been to a journey to Euren and they were finally back. His eyes hurt from staring at the pages of the book he stole from the City of Libros and there was a lamp right in front of him. He knew what was inside the lamp, but he wasn't sure if he was ready. His eyes scampered over the contents of the book. It had everything he needed to know; the history of the dark ones, the ones the zodiacs have punished and why, and everything he needed to know to become something greater than he was.

Oh Shun had went back to his study room, his younger brother seemingly frustrated with him, but Oh Shin did not blame him. He just couldn't stray from the path anymore. Oh Shin stood up, the cackling of the fireplace in the background when he walked to the lamp-his hands stretched out.

He would do it.

He had to.

He lay his hand down on the lamp, the rustic design making it seem antique. It was warm to the touch, a vessel for the soul that the Zodiacs have punished. Oh Shin ran his fingers on the metal; once, twice, thrice. The book said it was how it had to be done, Oh Shin not knowing if it would work but it did. The lamp began to rumble, steam slowly surrounding it and Oh Shin stood back when the lip popped off.

It was him.

It was Jafar.

The genie shot out of the lamp, the clang of the lid sounding across the room as the soul began to form in front of him. It was a genie, but it was simply a soul that could grant wishes. Oh Shin, other than his wishes, wanted to do what people have spoken of but not done before. And before him, floated Jafar, his eyes glowing red with his long hair and evil smile.

Oh Shin loved it.

He radiated anger and frustration, evil and greed. Oh Shin smirked, the genie turning to him.

"Ah, the lucky one." Jafar said, rubbing his hands together, peering at Oh Shin who didn't seem very scared of his presence. Most people expected genies to look kind and loving-that was how Aladdin looked like when he was used for his three wishes went back into the lamp again. But Jafar didn't look anything like that. "What do I owe this pleasure-"

"I make the rules." Oh Shin began, ignoring the genies talk. "I would tell you to sit, but you can't."

"Oooh. A rule maker." Jafar mused, floating away from the lamp. Being in it for million of years made him hate the way it looked. "I guess we shall talk. Though the rules to wishes do remain the same, one! You can't make people fall in love with you, you can't kill anyone, and you can't bring anyone back from the dead."

"Huh." Oh Shin huffed. "Good to know that I can't do those three things. Now listen here, genie and do let me talk."

Oh Shin settled by the chair comfortably. "I need power. Somehow throughout his process, I have lost it and I need it back. My original plan was to go get the rings and merge them into one-but somehow, all magic seems to have gone. I bet it's my wretched son who found a way to null all magic."

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