no. sehun. i can't.

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Lay had told me to follow Suho since he had to stay behind to tend to the three students who were still unconscious on the ground. I could hear the whispers and I would be lying if I said I wasn't bothered by them. Shivering, I realized that I wasn't wearing shoes or a coat but decided to keep quiet, following Suho who had draped a coat around Seungwoo. To my surprise, EXO had followed him grimly, and I wondered why their presence was needed. We entered the gym, Suho instructing every one to go inside before turning back to go out the door. I tried to comfort Seungwoo, but he flinched away from me so I took two steps back.

"Go back to your dorms! If I see any of you out of your rooms by the time I go for my rounds, I'll make sure to report you to Senior Kris when he gets back and those who are caught will spend a month in detention!" Suho's voice sounded from outside the gym doors before he came in closing the door behind him and walking towards us again. "Okay, tell me what happened."

As if they were in a game of jeopardy, everyone shot their hand up to get permission to answer the question like their life depended on it. Suho chose Kai who appeared in front of Suho, before taking a deep breath and speaking.

"I was walking down the hall when I heard a noise. I thought it was an Echowomp in the garden but it wasn't. So, I walked towards the sound and I saw that there indeed was one-"

"Kai. Is this relevant to the story?" Suho asked, tapping his feet on the ground impatiently. I could tell that he was slowly losing his patience, his tone getting more and more annoyed as he seemed to struggle in keeping his temper under control.

"I asked what happened to Seungwoo!" His voice echoed and Kai stepped back, realizing that Suho was not up for games. "Is someone going to tell me or am I going to have to-"

The door opened and walked in a Kris and Lay, their footsteps rapidly increasing as they caught sight of everyone in the middle of the gym. Lay seemed tired, his eyebags beginning to become prominent and Kris looked like he always did. Grumpy and annoyed. Suho nodded at Kris who seemed to put the situation under control just by being there, the tall male stopping in front of Chanyeol.


"It was Taeyong from NCT." Chanyeol said, clasping his hands behind his back. "He, Lucas and Mark were just messing around, you know how they are. They have always been playful and so they were curious about-"

"Faster." Kris seethed.

"-curious about the Gaian so they kind of teased him for being in a place without powers and they took it a little bit too far." Chanyeol chattered away, the speed of his words increasing and it was almost like he was rapping. "Taeyong wanted to scare him, so he was about to shoot the energy ball to somewhere near Seungwoo's feet but someone bumped into him and the energy ball projection had shot straight into Seungwoo's heart. I think Seungwoo absorbed it and suddenly the energy ball shot back from out of his body and knocked out three of them who were closest to him. And now Seungwoo is fine but those three got hurt."

Everyone was quiet and I watched as Baekhyun peeked a look at Seungwoo who was sitting on the floor, and stepped behind Chanyeol like he was scared of my brother. No one spoke for a while, even Kris looking like he was trying to analyze what Seungwoo's power was.

"Showing signs of a tank?" Chen suddenly asked and everyone turned to look at him. Chen looked uncomfortable at the sudden attention from his peers and his instructors. "Don't look at me like that, I was just asking. He literally absorbed it."

"But if the energy rebounded then it would mean he would be able to deal damage. That makes him a front liner, no?" Xiumin asked Chen. Chen nodded at Xiumin's rebuttle, agreeing that it made sense.

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