kkaebsong, indeed

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[kkaebsong: A word popularized by Baekhyun from EXO which has multiple meanings. 1) When you feel like something is pitiful or shouldn't have happened. 2) When you say something funny but it's not interesting. 3) Sorry! ]

[Ex. "Oh, kkaebsong! I got scared." ]

[KAI, Class of EXO]

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[KAI, Class of EXO]

Their eyes on me was a sign that I wasn't welcome and the fact that I wasn't welcome was enough for me to step back, scanning their faces. There was only one guy smiling at me, his face pointy but kind and I smiled back, feeling a little bit at ease that there was another person who was friendly. They didn't move, the one named Baekhyun gawking at me on the floor while the one named Chanyeol had his eyes narrowed on my face like I was an unknown creature. A good-looking guy stood among them, with pink hair and a flirty smile on his face winking at me. Sehun and Kyungsoo was nowhere to be found.

Xiumin cleared his throat with authority. "Be nice to her." He spoke, a hint of warning in his voice.

It didn't do much, and those who weren't smiling still looked wary of my presence. With a mumble, they backed away and finally began to move. The one with the pointy face turned to help Baekhyun up who was on the floor, handing him a napkin. Baekhyun accepted it, a pout forming.

"I'm hungry again." Baekhyun wailed, stomping his foot on the ground and handing back the handkerchief.

"We have to go to class." The guy said and Baekhyun stuck his tongue out, prancing away. The guy turned to Xiumin, as if waiting for him to say something, his gaze landing on me again.

"So, she's joining us for class?" His voice wasn't menacing and he asked it out of utmost curiosity. Xiumin nodded in response and the guy asked another question. I could tell he was still doubting the fact that I was a mage, but at the very least he was being nice about it. "Let's walk together then?"

"I have to bring her to the library to check out a couple of textbooks." Xiumin told him. "I think we're having a pop quiz later so don't forget to read up. I'll meet you in the class room in half an hour."

"Of course." He answered, turning to me and giving me a small bow before heading out of the gym following the rest.

Xiumin told me to follow him and I obeyed, walking through the beautiful columns of the school. It was quiet and there were no people around at all but I could hear a couple of voices hear and there coming from the classrooms that seemed to be occupied with their lectures. We stopped by a big door and my attention was drawn to a big bulletin board that had writing on it.

Squinting, I realized that the names of the EXO and NCT and a couple of other groups were on it. In front of my eyes, I saw the numbers beside Baekhyun's name increase and I blinked. Looking back up to the top of the bulletin board, I saw Sehun's name listed as number one.

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