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  I wasn't ready for the next day

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I wasn't ready for the next day. I really wasn't. I had woken up and bid Bubbles goodbye, sending her off to Mr. Bobbit. After an hour of her sniffling and crying, I had to lie through my teeth that I was going to be back very soon-I just had something to do. After several hugs and kisses, Bubbles had quieted down and I gave Mr. Bobbit instructions to where he had written down eagerly in a list. I then grabbed the only bag I had and began to meet the team.

Wooseung was already there and I chewed on my lip when I saw the rest of EXO. They all looked like they were going to war. Kai had four layers of clothes on because he heard that Earth had "air conditions" and it was going to be cold, so he wanted to be prepared. Baekhyun had a big bag with his blanket and a pillow and I wondered if they thought Earth was a savage country with nothing but rocks and plants. Kyungsoo had a rake with him, and when I asked him why he was bringing it, he merely stared at me so I dropped the question. Sehun had his hands stuck in his pockets, his coat off and once again on his shoulders. I saw Suho run over to us, his face red as he tried to get everything intact.

"Everyone here? Let's do a roll call?" He asked, gathering everyone in the middle of the courtyard where the portal would open. "Come, come. Tao! Luhan!" He called out and I heard both their voices pipe up.

"Chanyeol! Baekhyun!" His voice rose and they answered. He did this with the rest and finally ended the roll call with me and my brother who answered calmly. It was Seungwoo this time, and he said it was because Wooseung wanted to rest and that he'll take Seungwoo's place when we reached Earth. Sometimes I wondered how they planned their switching, but I was more than happy that they were starting to get along.

"Let's go?" Suho said, looking at me hopefully as if he wanted me to take the lead. I nodded, Suho grabbing an orb that had a picture of Heechul's backyard in it before throwing it in the air. The Portal appeared and the rest of EXO didn't look amazed. I realized that maybe they were used to it, traveling by portals all throughout EXO. I grabbed Seungwoo and he nodded, both of us taking the lead and walking straight into the portal.

It was my fourth time, but I still could feel the intensity of the wind in my air. Gasping and trying to breath, I squeezed Seungwoo's hand who squeezed back to assure me that he was there. With a zap, we fell down onto the ground and rolled, EXO close behind. Sehun and Kyungsoo followed, Kyungsoo's eyes brightening up when he saw where we were.

We were back in the Forest of Isea, Heechul appearing from behind the door with twigs in his hair. His crazy eyes goggled and he ran over to us, grabbing Suho in a hug. Suho looked startled, his eyes widening before he patted Heechul's back awkwardly.

"You're back! Tea?" Heechul asked and Suho laughed, trying to get away from his deathly grasp.

"Yes, of course. And a language spell on all of them except Harin and... Seungwoo." He spoke carefully, recognizing that my brother wore glasses. Baekhyun and Chanyeol were the last to arrive, both of them coughing and heaving as if their lungs were on fire. "You two okay?"

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