guess i'm invited?

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       I have told Suho not to tell anyone about what happened, not wanting my brother to worry

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I have told Suho not to tell anyone about what happened, not wanting my brother to worry. I had stayed in the infirmary for a few days and I honestly could not stand Sehun. The more time I spent with him, the more I wanted to throw something at him. He was just a few beds away and everything I did pissed him off.

"Ong Harin! Can you stop tossing and turning? I can hear you from here!" He had yelled at me and his annoyance annoyed me even more. I turned to him and kicked the sheets off the bed, making more noise. Who even gets annoyed at the sound of sheets being moved? It's not like I was screaming a lullaby in his ear like how Kyungsoo would do every night because he was persuaded that it actually made Sehun sleep while he pretended to be asleep.

I was happy to be out of the infirmary and had picked up Bubbles to accompany me to class when I walked into the classroom of Baekhyun telling them what happened in the quest. He was bragging big time and I caught the bored expressions on everyone's faces, only Chanyeol listening to him.

"Harin! How've you been?" Chen asked. "I won't even ask you what happened, Baekhyun has told the story five times the past five days."

"I can tell." I answered, smiling at Chen who rose to give me a one hand hug. "How's every one here? Any changes?"

Before Chen answered me, Sehun walked in with Kyungsoo. Baekhyun's voice growing louder as he explained that he had used his powers on two people instead of one. "And Sehun is pretty useless without his powers." He said, teasing Sehun who walked by. Suddenly vines came up and wrapped around Baekhyun's waist, lifting him up as Sehun's eyes flashed gray. Kyungsoo was beside him, his eyes dark green.

"Look here, Baekhyun-" Sehun began.

"Why are you getting mad at him? You literally asked me to tank." I said, raising an eyebrow at him. Everyone looked at me and then at Sehun. Kyungsoo, who was listening looked at Sehun, his vines disappearing as Baekhyun fell onto the floor. He grunted at Sehun and didn't wait for Sehun to walk towards his seat.

"Disappointed at Oh Sehun." Kyungsoo said, walking to his seat and sitting down. Sehun sighed, following Kyungsoo and taking his seat. "Disappointed. Very disappointed." He mumbled under his breath.

I have never seen my brother since the incident, but I think he knew I was safe. I saw him running past the door, and to my surprise, EXO greeted him. His glasses were perched on top of his nose and I knew it was Seungwoo, standing up to hug him but Chanyeol beat me to it.

"Hey, Wanna-one!" Chanyeol yelled to Seungwoo who grabbed Chanyeols hand with a shoulder bump. "Here to see your sister?"

"Yeah." He said breathlessly and I knew he was impatient to reach me so I walked towards him and was immediately engulfed in a hug. He sighed against my shoulder and stepped back, running his eyes over my skin to check for any bruises. "You're fine."

"I'm fine." I told him, reassuring him. "I'm fine." He had nodded and came for another hug. He drew back and settled in a seat beside mine.

"Why are you here?" I asked, seeing that the books on the table had his name on it.

The Rise of the Mages [EXO VERSION]Where stories live. Discover now