boom. pow. smack!

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[EXO Classroom]

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[EXO Classroom]

The moment we reached SM, Suho apologized for cutting our trip short but he said he was given a nudge to focus on training the students. He then pulled me aside and told me that I'll be living in the dorms with the rest, now that I had my powers. I didn't find anything wrong with this, knowing I enjoyed the presence of the rest of EXO. We were quickly told to go change and given fifteen minutes to go back to the classroom, to which I did. I was brought to the dorms and when I peeked into my room, I found that all my things were already there. Bubbles was nowhere to be found and I figured that maybe she was still with Mr. Bobbit.

Glancing around the room, I saw that the bed looked just as comfy even though the room was a little smaller. I quickly put on my uniform and left the room, jogging back to the classroom that was EXO's classroom. I entered the classroom, seeing that everyone was already there, Luhan and Tao deep in conversation while Kai chewed nervously on tip of his pencil.

"What's happening?" I asked Baekhyun who was pouting. "Why does every one look stressed?"

"Pop Quiz." Baekhyun answered, making a face. "Senior Kris is coming over soon, and we'll have a recap of our past chapters. Then today, we'll have a class evaluation. Something must have happened for them to push our training harder."

"Really? Do I have to take it?" I have read our textbooks, but most of the time we focused on training. I hoped Kris would let me sit this one out as well, but I knew it was less likely with the time I've been in SM already. "Doesn't Seungwoo have to take it then?"

"I don't know, he's your brother. Doesn't he have to train with NCT though?"

"I heard he has a class evaluation... in two days..." My voice trailed off when I remembered that "2 days ago" was two days ago. "Oh, that's today."

I wasn't given enough time to brood over the fact that my brother may have to duel when Kris walked in, his eyebrows knitted. He swept his eyes over EXO who sat silently, knowing he wasn't in a good mood. When was Kris ever in a good mood? I chewed on my lip and he placed his books on the podium in front of him.

"Pop Quiz." He breathed and every one grumbled. "Quiet."


"Pop Quiz, and today we'll be having a class evaluation in the gym. We have received news from the order that negotiations with Euren aren't going as planned." Kris said and the air automatically became heavy at the mention of possible war. "So instead of NCT, we'll be having a class evaluation for EXO instead since you all are their seniors. Ong Harin, your brother will be joining EXO as well for this round of class evaluation but he's joining NCT for this period."

His voice was clipped and I nodded when Kris' eyes settled onto me; he must have seen the questioning on my face. He dragged his gaze to Sehun, who as usual, looked bored.

The Rise of the Mages [EXO VERSION]Where stories live. Discover now