they're not you

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[Exodus base]

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[Exodus base]

"You have to choose!" Ahjumma told me, her eyes brimming with tears when I saw a Grim Reaper nearby. He was muttering to himself, his eyes running over the dead people that were on the ground. He was crossing out names that were already taken and with everyone screaming at me, I stepped towards him-stumbling until I reached him.

I grabbed his hand and he looked at me by surprise, his eyes turning to stare at me while I couldn't stop sobbing. I had to ask. My hands shaking, I opened my mouth to ask him the question.

"Is it his time?" I asked, pointing to Seungwoo who was violently shaking. I heard Ahjumma yell out my name and the Grim Reaper opened the parchment; turning to me and replying my question with another question.

"Name." He muttered, his voice void of emotion and it must have been the amount of deaths he has seen.

"Seungwoo. Ong Seungwoo. Wooseung." I paused, trying to remember Wooseung's real name before spitting it out. "Kang Daniel."

"Mhm." He mumbled, turning the page and scanning through the lists. "Nope. Not on the list. Not his time yet."

Holding back a squeal, I raced back to Seungwoo; my hands going over his body to remove Wooseung's soul. I focused on the energy and right then, I saw both Seungwoo's and Wooseung's soul bundled in one. Moving my hand away, I could tell which one was Wooseung's because it was black.

His soul was black, moving in strings while both my brother's souls trembled at the energy binding both of them together.

Moving my fingers carefully, I slowly tore his soul out with my breath held. I was scared I would drop it. I was scared that it would dissipate into nothing when Ahjumma let out a sigh beside me. Her eyes glazed with tears and she whispered a soft thank you in the air when Seungwoo's body stopped moving. His body lay peacefully there while I held Wooseung's soul in my hands.

"We need to save him." I told Ahjumma, tears rolling down my cheeks. "Do what you did before. Bind his soul to a body!"

"Harin..." She said softly, her voice cracking. "We need a fresh body. Most of these people have been dead for a while. We need a body that is in a brink of death."

"Then find one!" I told her when I heard a grunt from behind all of us. Turning around, I saw a peacemaker stumble in-the cuts on his body enough to let him bleed. Then to my surprise, I saw a soul exit his body and I recognized it as Yuta. He rushed to us, telling us that the peacemaker was found and he had to bring the body back to base.

And as if my prayers were answered, the Grim Reaper had swooped over him; raising up a hand to call the time of death. Ahjumma turned to me, her eyes shining and before we knew it-we had raced to the body, Ahjumma muttering prayers into the air as Wooseung's soul settled down in a new body.

The Rise of the Mages [EXO VERSION]Where stories live. Discover now