the rebellion of nana's children

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A/N: This chapter is more of a filler than anything else so this is just a warning if you don't want to read it! The first parts & last parts are a bit informative and the muddle parts are slice of life because I missed writing those. <3 i hope you find them hilarious none the less!

 <3 i hope you find them hilarious none the less!

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A hooded figure had arrived to DT Tavern, his shaking fingers reaching up to run a hand through his hair. It was Suga and as he entered the tavern, he saw that it was empty. There were no trace of people in the bar, the people of Soul City not being able to afford to drink and eat like before. His eyes ran over the dully lit walls and Suga made his way to the basement of the tavern, his footsteps careful and quick when he landed on the floor below his business place when he heard his name being called.

"Suga." His name being called with much care and concern felt endearing to Suga and his eyes stopped on Jungkook, his gaze skating over the place just to find that it was only him and the head of the vigilantes.

"Jungkook." He said and Jungkook walked over to him, a hand going out to grab his arm.

"Are you okay?" Jungkook had seen it, the red mark on Suga's face. Suga nodded, a hand reaching up to press against his cheek. "What happened?"

"He struck me. My father." Suga said simply. His relationship with his father had always been rocky, but Suga never had a finger laid on him. This time, was different. "I was thrown in jail for a few days because I failed to get the young mages from SM. This afternoon, they locked Taeyong up and let me go. The child, he's distraught. I heard they executed his lover right in front of him."

"I heard it from the rest as well. Why are they still keeping him alive?" Jungkook asked the older mage.

"The Royal Headmaster thinks he'll be able to harness energy. Even if his power is basic, the Royal Headmaster thinks that with enough practice, Taeyong will be able to make portals." Suga replied, his mind going to Taeyong who was still locked up in the cell. "I'm not going back there."

"What do you mean?" Jungkook asked.

"I mean, it's time I give up on my father. There is no turning back, Jungkook. Take me to Sehun." Suga said and Jungkook searched his eyes, nodding.

Suga, he could trust.



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