wow. people, they glow here!

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We have finally reached what seemed like a big room and Suho ushered me towards the entrance, telling me that the principal was waiting for me

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We have finally reached what seemed like a big room and Suho ushered me towards the entrance, telling me that the principal was waiting for me. I looked over to Seungwoo nervously, biting my lip at what was about to happen next. Seungwoo looked equally as nervous as I was. His fingers were fidgeting and I could see a drop of sweat slide down his neck despite the cold breeze. I looked up and Suho was waiting, an eyebrow raised before motioning towards the door one more time. With a nudge, I pushed Seungwoo forward and he took the lead, stepping past the doors.

When I walked in, the squonk followed and Suho waited patiently until it was inside before closing the doors behind us. I found myself in a big office, the walls laced with gold and brown. One part of the wall was filled with books from top to below, the smell of the pages wafting to my nose. The office seemed to be empty and I blinked, seeing that there was no one around except a bird standing by the open window.

I looked around the room and proceeded to walk towards the desk, squinting at the name. "Tiffany." it read and I frowned, turning around to see my brother standing in front of the books; trying to read them. "Tiffany." I muttered under my breath, thinking.

"Isn't Tiffany a girl's name?" I asked Seungwoo and he nodded, taking out one ear plug. "I know that in this language it is a girl's name." I said to myself, dragging my finger across the desk. I desperately wanted to sit down on the chair, but I was afraid that it would be rude if the principal ever walked in. "How can a girl be here if they said there are no girl mages?" I wondered out loud.

"Beats me." He said, pressing his lips together. "It's here." Suho said, jerking his head at the squonk that didn't leave my side. "So, you keeping it?" He asked and like it understood, it let out a wail that was easily controlled when I bent down to sit on the floor, patting it on the head.

"Don't have the heart to send it back." I told him and he nodded, understandingly. "Maybe I should call it bubbles."

"Bubbles? Why bubbles?"

"Because it dissolves into water and bubbles." I replied, scratching behind its saggy ear. It gazed up at me dreamily and honked. I laughed at the sound, and its body moved; the squonk shaking it's head like a dog shaking off water.

"What kind of bird is this?" Seungwoo's voice floated to my ears and I stood up, seeing that he was now behind the desk; staring at the bird that was eating what seemed like scattered bread crumbs.

"An egrate, I think." The bird had white wings and a long long long beak as well as thin legs. It looks beautiful and peaceful, pecking away the bread from a can. "Don't touch it, you may scare it."

Seungwoo agreed and backed away from the bird, turning to me. "If I ever tell anyone in Earth about this, I swear they'll put me in a mental hospital." He sighed, reaching up to rub his head. "Not like I'm already half-way crazy."

"I agree with that." I mused and he couldn't help but laugh, reaching over to pet me on the head when a woman's voice sounded. Her laugh came from the window and we jumped backwards, Seungwoo tripping over Bubbles the Squonk that sent him rolling on the floor. My eyes had widened and I whipped my neck around so fast I gasp when I saw that instead of a bird, it was an elegant woman wearing a white dress.

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