what makes you so special?

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"Ong Harin

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"Ong Harin... They're not you."

My eyes fluttered open and I closed them again, letting out a frustrated groan. After that day, I told Sehun to leave and never talk to me again. I was angry and annoyed and now it has been almost four days since I've seen him. The past four days, I've been with Jaehyun-telling him almost everything that was going on and scouting the Royal Library in order to get more evidence. I was buried in mounds of paper with Jaehyun almost every day, basking in the sound of him humming random songs. I knew that I had to start telling people, EXO being my first target. Jaehyun was with me every step of the way and he was the first person I saw in the morning and the last person I saw at night.

Out of all my problems, I had another one added and that was my dreams.

I have been dreaming about Sehun for four days, rewinding his words over and over again like a merry-go-round. I felt myself get annoyed every time I remembered him. His face haunted me and every day I had a small hope that he would be walking down my hallway.

I was out of my mind.

I opened my eyes and rolled to my side, pressing a hand against my head before trudging to the bathroom. It was 7 am in the morning and I knew that in thirty minutes, Jaehyun would already be in front of my door and we'd get breakfast and lounge in the library for the whole day. I brushed my teeth and took a shower, deciding that I would be the one to surprise him in front of his doorstep this time. I slipped into my clothes, grabbing my coat because of how unbelievably chilly it was. I walked to the door to open it slightly when I heard Krystal talk.

It took me my all to not roll my eyes to the back of my head. Krystal stayed on the same floor as I was, her room right next to mine while Jaehyun's room next to hers. Our floor was for guests so I figured out as much and I have seen her around, but she would always just stare at me as if I had something on my face. Jaehyun always told me not to think about it, that his cousin was just a spoiled brat. I decided not to go out simply because I didn't want to cross paths with her when I heard her say Sehun's name.

"Thank you, Royal Young Master." She told him and my heart twisted when I heard Sehun's voice. I closed the door softly, pressing my ear against the door just to hear him speak.

"You're welcome. Though I hope it'll never happen again, Lady Krystal." Sehun said to her. I frowned. What happened? I wanted to slap myself. I was never curious about other peoples' business and I had no idea why I was here with my ear against the door trying to eavesdrop. "My father would not approve of me in your bedroom. You are a Lady, after all."

I rolled my eyes this time, stepping away from the door just to walk back to the bed and fall face flat onto my covers. I hated feeling this way. Sehun pissed me off. He tells me Jaehyun shouldn't be invited into my room but now he's going to other women's room? I decided to go back to sleep, annoyance filling my chest. I climbed back under the covers and made a mental note to tell Jaehyun that I was feeling sick. My mood was ruined and wanted to be alone. I rolled onto my back when I heard a knock on my door followed by Sehun calling out my name.

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