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The dark walls were all that Alchemist Jimin liked

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The dark walls were all that Alchemist Jimin liked. He didn't think he was depressed, he just realized that he enjoyed being on his own, listening to sad music while thinking of ways to brew a new potion. He hated his wings, and hated the pain and the publicity that came with it so he was always trying to find a way to get rid of it; the man trying to focus on what he was doing when a crash made him jolt up in surprise. He had lost his train of thought, and oh! He hated when that happened!

"Namjoon! Just because you have your body back does NOT mean you get to break my things!" He yelled out to the taller male that was clumsily trying to pile back the books onto the table. They had toppled onto the ground and Namjoon gave him an apologetic look-He had the touch of Aries, Jimin thought. How chaotic.

What was more chaotic were that his friends were there, Jin and J-hope sitting by the fireplace. The two peacemakers have arrived an hour prior and were now chortling over something he didn't understand. Jungkook and V were already there when he came back home from the market, Namjoon by their side. He had always worried abut Namjoon, but he knew the competence of his friend.

Namjoon was smart and knew how to survive.

They explained what happened to Jimin, and he already got the jist of it. In the end, he was the one who housed Namjoon. Imagine the surprise he got when he came home from the war with an additional brownie in the house. He wouldn't have guessed it was Namjoon if the brownie didn't tell him, Jimin always nonchalant about his surroundings.

"When are they coming?" J-hope asked, his fingers intertwining. "I get so worried each time Luhan calls me for a meeting. I always feel like something is going to happen."

Jin's face was wiped of happiness and Jimin observed the guilt that washed over his friend's face. He and J-hope had fought, at least that was what he heard. Now that Jin was uncharmed, he felt bad about it but he knew J-hope understood. He was about to say something when his brownie stalked into the room, giving Namjoon a gruntled look before speaking roughly.

"You have visitors."

Jimin told him to let them in, the male motioning over to the door. J-hope sat up, his face automatically going serious when three steps of footsteps sounded. They were all in the basement, where Jimin's lab was. It was isolated from the rest of the house, just the way he liked it.

"J-hope. Jin." Lay's voice greeted, and he removed the hood of his coat. He gave them an exhausted smile. He stood in front of his friends, Luhan and Xiumin; the two oldest of the remaining EXO group that were under the advisory of Lay, Kris and Suho. Lay had graduated first, that is true, but Luhan and Xiumin were similar in age and Lay knew their reasons so there was never a hierarchy with the two.

"How was your travel?" Jin asked, standing up to give Luhan a one arm hug. "Shoot it to us, Lay. I'm honestly terrified of what you're about to say."

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