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[Elven Ruins]

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[Elven Ruins]

Tao stood before them pointedly in a room that was close in the throne room. Lucas was still confused. Wooseung was ecstatic. Tao felt as if he was given a group of people that were wild cards and he didn't know if he could work with it. To be honest, he knew it would be easier if he went on his own-But with Wooseungs temperament, he knew that wasn't happening.

"One question, why is he not affected by the ring?" Wooseung asked Lucas as if he wasn't there. Lucas blinked at the two men, flexing his muscles as he grunted. "You're... I don't know, the time mage? I'm Dark Magic-"

"Fuck, fuck, fuck." A voice was saying as male ran towards them. Jaehyun ducked behind them, an expression of a run-away fugitive painted on his face. He grabbed Lucas and hid behind him. "Cover me. Johnny has been sticking to me all day, I couldn't-"

"JAEHYUN! JAEHYUN, WHERE ARE YOU?" Johnny's bellowing could be heard from the hallway. Wooseung rolled his eyes. Keepers and their masters.

"Jesus, if only people loved me enough to stick with me." He mumbled.

"Haechan." Tao reminded him and Wooseung paused, realizing that it was true. "Johnny's gone. You here because of what I think you're here for, yes?"

"If you mean the fact that Wooseung smacked me and demanded that I tell him that I know it's Oh Shin and not Oh Shun, then yes." Jaehyun replied, still behind Lucas. "I told Rumpelstiltskin to join us. I presume he's not affected by it as well. He's a dark magic leprechaun. Speaking of which, where are your leprechaun pets? The one with colors as names. Avocado Green and whatnot?"

"In the sky." Tao replied. He had told them to go back to do whatever they had to do. Oh Shin would definitely try to reuse them once more and Tao cared deeply for the leprechauns. "He's here."

Rumpelstiltskin emerged from the shadows and his small body hopped over to them. Everyone could see that he extra careful, the male looking around before telling him that he was playing hide-and-seek with Haechan. Wooseung began to feel annoyed. How could he be playing at a time like this? He opened his mouth when Tao cut in.

"We need to find out how to make the Scorpio ring null. Back to Wooseung's original question: Why are you not affected?" He asked Lucas who was still standing there with a confused look on his face. "Are you an Elf? Dark Magic?"

"Uh... No. I'm immune." Lucas replied. "Johnny is impenetrable but I'm immune."

"I mean, I know you're immune. I've seen you eat wild poisonous berries and grab the venomous snake from Harin's shack before but-Is that even a power?" Wooseung asked and Lucas nodded.

"I'm immune to almost everything." He said back. "Illusions and charms don't work on me. SM didn't think that was a power so they didn't take me in. I was the only person Senior Donghae failed to extract memories from. His powers don't work on me."

The Rise of the Mages [EXO VERSION]Where stories live. Discover now