the return of kyungsoo

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"You were right

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"You were right." Sehun said and my heart skipped a beat as he stood in front of me. Xiumin took a step forward, both of us standing very still as if we were both scared that Sehun would suddenly brandish out a sword and kill both of us but Sehun just threw both of his hands in the air in frustration. "I said you were right!"

"Right.... About what?" My voice was weak and Sehun sighed. "Oh Sehun... You do know what you're talking about right?"

What if he was sent by his father? What if he finally told his father I have been stupidly telling him that Oh Shin tried to kill me? Xiumin was on guard too, stepping forward when Sehun spoke.

"You're right about my father, Ong Harin. He's not the person I thought he was." Sehun said and Xiumin relaxed a bit, still silent when Sehun took a step closer to the couch. "Can you all stop looking at me like I'm going to kill you?"

"Okay, but first-How did you find me?" I asked Sehun when he jerked his head towards me. My hands automatically reached up to the necklace that was warm against my touch and when I looked down, I saw that it was shining. "O-Oh."

"Stupid girl." Sehun said softly, and his eyes softened. Xiumin cleared his throat and suddenly Sehun's eyes landed on the brownie that was standing behind one of the chairs. He frowned, tilting his head at the creature. "Uh..."

His eyes skated over the house and I almost could tell he was wondering why Eunwoo had a brownie. Brownies were expensive and usually for noble families. Namjoon just stared at him when Sehun blinked at him.

"Isn't your brownie supposed to give me a glass of water?" He asked and Namjoon didn't budge.

"No, he's not supposed to." I answered when Sehun looked confused.

"Why? Is your brownie broken?"

"I'm not broken!" Namjoon yelled out. "I AM NAMJOON!"

"Definitely broken." Sehun replied before the name registered in his mind. He whipped his head towards Namjoon, his eyes widened. "Namjoon? The Royal Messenger?"

There was a beat of awkwardness and Namjoon grabbed the potion, drinking it. I almost laughed, seeing Sehun's face change from scared to shocked to sudden confusion all in three seconds. Namjoon grabbed the pants nearby and put it on, ruffling his hair before bowing down to Sehun.

"Young Royal Master Sehun." He said, Sehun standing up and accepting his bow with a slight bow back.

"Royal Messenger-How-But you were beheaded!" He gasped and Namjoon nodded, sitting down.

"Before we begin to tell you everything... again." Xiumin told Sehun. "Tell me what happened. Why are you here and how'd you snap out of it?"

Sehun's face changed a bit and he sighed before speaking.

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