no one appreciate kyungsoo

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[Choi Siwon & Park Leeteuk, Supers)

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[Choi Siwon & Park Leeteuk, Supers)

Oh Shin was pissed. The male had been hearing things here and there, his straightened broad back blocking the only view of light that was in his study. You see, Oh Shin had eyes and ears everywhere. It was one of the benefits of being from the Oh family-his lineage having loyal followers from all those scattered around Exodus. Before this, it was all of Exodus. No one has ever threatened him this way.

It was one thing after another for Oh Shin.

He came back from the Seers and boy, did he try to find ways to get that female mage all alone. But, his son's friends were always around her. Why was she so important? Why did they follow her around like how brownies followed around their masters? He didn't know if they were uncharmed... The Chanyeol boy seemingly not affected by her. Chanyeol and Taeyong were at his beck and call and the other EXO mages still greeted him with the same respect.

Maybe they just liked her presence. Maybe it was because she was a woman, did that make a difference? Oh Shin knew nothing of friendship, it was always a power play for him and those who surround him. How his son had so many friends was beyond him. To top that off, his one and only son, who he has now decided to kill was ab-so-fucking-lutely smitten by her.

Sehun was opposing his orders and the thought was enough to make Oh Shin grit his teeth in frustration. Oh Shin huffed, closing his eyes briefly to collect his thoughts.

He had to move and begin his plan.

A few moments ago, a two men came and visited him, their traveling cloaks pooling as it dragged across the floor. They had always stood beside him and Oh Shin knew they would never betray him. He had turned to see Siwon and Leeteuk, their expressions grim as they entered the room.

Oh, Oh Shin loved them.

They did everything for him and he was convinced that they would never turn their backs against him.

"Royal Headmaster." Leeteuk greeted, his voice monotonous. Siwon didn't speak, bowing instead. Siwon was the one who didn't speak much and he had always preferred to observe.

"Advisor Leeteuk. To what may I owe this welcomed visit?" Oh Shin asked. He was still in a good mood then, but Leeteuk did not share the same feel of the atmosphere. "How is SM doing?"

"SM has been alright, Royal Headmaster." Leeteuk replied. "The children-they needed a stricter environment. I'm afraid under the guidance of Advisor Kris, Suho, and Lay; they weren't exposed to much pressure. We have guarded the portal in the courtyard. I have men guarding it for some kids have been trying to leave."

"Ah." Oh Shin didn't want to hear about SM. Now that he had no use for the young mages, their issues don't bother him anymore. "I see. I trust your decisions for SM, Advisor."

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