prologue: the descendents

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  The world is going crazy

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The world is going crazy. When I mean the world is going crazy, I mean the world is literally going batshit crazy. I leaned back in my chair as I kept my eyes on the TV screen, the blaring sound of the news ringing in my ears as I tried to understand the words they were saying. With a sigh, I rubbed my forehead, feeling another headache coming.

"Just a few days ago, a circular light was seen just above metropolitan Seoul. Scientists had said that it was a ball of energy and may be the sign of an upcoming meteorite. People have been experiencing dizziness and splashes of heat waves have been washing all over the world."

A cough sounded behind me and I jumped, whipping my head around just to see my brother entering the living room. He raised an eyebrow at me, a drink in his hand as his eyes fell onto the huge flat TV screen. He cleared his throat and moved closer, his eyebrows furrowing.

"Anything new other than lights from the sky and people dying from global warming?" He asked, and I shook my head, leaning back against the chair. "Before we know it, people are going to say aliens are real."

"Oppa, you believe aliens are real." I countered and he shook his head, shrugging.

"I don't believe aliens are real. The other one does." He said simply, pushing his glasses up his nose and shaking the empty drink can before bustling into the kitchen. "Aren't you going to university today?"

I shook my head. "All the universities are closed in the mean time. People are afraid something might happen. What have you been up to?" I asked, turning back to get a glimpse of his clothes. "I see you haven't even changed out of your clothes since yesterday."

"I've been in the lab. Haven't had time to eat or sleep." He said, taking a bite of bread. "Oh, Ahjumma-Have you been cleaning the rooms? Can you clean mine-"

"Ong Seungwoo." Our 60 year old housemaid said sternly, walking in with dirty dishes in her hands, wiping her hands on her apron. "Please don't tell me that's the first meal you have had since yesterday morning."

I watched as my older brother faltered, and he gave her a weak smile like a kid being caught with his hand in a peanut butter jar. He pouted and she mumbled something under her breath before saying something about needing all the strength for the following days to come.

"And go take a shower!" She said to him, with a voice that was both gentle and harsh at the same time. "Tomorrow we're visiting your parent's grave. Have you ordered flowers from the flower shop?"

"Not yet-But we're going tomorrow, not today." Seungwoo said, grabbing an apple and taking a bite from it. "Besides, Harin will place the order if I forget. I'm heading back to the lab. Catch you all later."

I dragged my head away from him when the news changed and it was now filled with red flashes of breaking news. "Oppa!" I called out. "They said there's breaking news."

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