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I didn't know how to act. A few minutes after I felt his lips against mine, Jennie had thrown his coat to the ground and haughtily walked away. I had felt his breath against my face and could hear my heart in my ears before he was the one who drew away-his face straight. He drew a breath and his eyes met mine.

"Finally, you're quiet." He murmured, dropping down to retrieve his coat. I blinked, taken aback.

Maybe... Maybe it wasn't a big deal in Exodus. Maybe people do kiss each other out of the blue to shut other people up. I swear I have seen Chanyeol almost kiss Baekhyun every time he talked too much. I shivered, looking around. I was out of my mind, my face numb and my feet not functioning.

"Here." Sehun said and I stopped when I saw that he had already walked down the road and was waiting for me to catch up.

I stepped forward, walking towards him. I had sobered up after the kiss and I wanted to ask him what his deal was, but I knew that it may not be worth talking about. Sehun walked beside me and I felt the cool breeze hit my face. He didn't seem fazed and that irked me.

"Walk straight, will you?" He asked me and I glared at him. First, he puts his lips against mine and now he's ordering me around? "You'll get hit by a horse."

I realized that he meant car and I side stepped to the sidewalk. Silence again. How awkward. The silence was so uncomfortable that it made me squirm.

"You know; on Earth, kisses are a big deal." I began and sneaked a peek at him. His expression didn't change, his walking relaxed.

"I know." He answered and I waited for him to say more but he didn't, his eyes focused to the front.

"If I tell Wooseung, he'll kill you." I said again, and Sehun flickered his eyes onto me.

"If you think it's worth telling, then go ahead."

So, it really wasn't a big deal in Exodus, I realized. No wonder he was so nonchalant about it. I licked my lips nervously, shoving my hands into my coat. I turned to him and saw that he seemed tired, the dark shadows under his eyes were starting to show. I found myself wondering if he got to sleep last night, turning my face and taking in his features that were highlighted by the street lamp.

"Ong Harin." He said and I jumped at his voice. "Stare at me more and I'll think you're in love with me."

"Then I guess I'm in love with everyone." I answered. "I'll miss everyone." I muttered under my breath, closing my eyes briefly when the world seemed to spin for a while. I opened them again to adjust my eyesight just to see Sehun looking at me, his eyebrows furrowed.

"What?" I asked him, reaching up to touch my face in case something was stuck on it and he shook his head, going back to walking.

"You're speaking as if you're never coming back to SM." He voiced and I didn't reply, knowing that it was best not to say anything. "Is it because you're scared of my father?"

The Rise of the Mages [EXO VERSION]Where stories live. Discover now