you were right, ong harin!

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[Haechan in the Sier call]

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[Haechan in the Sier call]

I woke up early the next morning to knocking on my door. Squinting at the light that shone into the room, I sat up groggily to hear the knock stop for half a beat and then continue again. Swallowing my saliva, I sat there wondering if there would be bad news. Deciding that it was best I face it, I threw the covers off and walked over to the door, swinging it open just to see Xiumin with his knuckles up just to knock again. He blinked at me and I blinked back.

"G'morning, dear Harin." Xiumin said, suddenly laughing at how sleepy I looked. "Someone slept well last night."

"The best sleep ever." I told him, my voice still rough. That wasn't true though, I kept thinking about Sehun but knew it was best to push my feelings aside. My feelings were not going to save Exodus from whatever it was going to go under. "What's wrong, Xiumin? It's so early."

"J-hope contacted me." Xiumin paused. "Actually no, J-hope told Luhan and Luhan told me that he has talked to Jin-"

"Wait, wait." I looked back to see Bubbles stirring. "Let's go see Jaehyun? I don't want to explain it all over again to him. Bubbles... C'mere."

Xiumin nodded and waved at Bubbles while she bounded up to my side. She has gotten so big, her body moving in rolls; the creature sniffing my feet and nudging my leg with her nose to show me that it was time to go. I closed the door behind me, rubbing the sleep away from my eyes realizing that I didn't even brush my teeth or freshened up yet-but that was for another time when news about Oh Shin was involved.

I went to Jaehyun's door, a hand going to open the door since I knew he usually left the door open when I could hear him talking. His voice was worried as the sound of someone wailing could be heard. I peeked past the door just for him to look at me and motion me over, Xiumin and Bubbles following close behind.

I was worried I was invading whatever he was doing but Jaehyun was holding a Sier and he was talking into it. Xiumin closed the door behind him and I could hear wailing and sobbing from the Sier.

"Come on, now. It's alright...." Jaehyun was saying, his eyebrows knitted. "Harin is here with Senior Xiumin, do you want to talk to them?"

A hiccup sounded and I looked closely to see Haechan's big eyes filled with tears, wiping them away and nodding. I took the Sier from Jaehyun just to see him wail again, Mark's voice in the back ground.

"He's been freaking out since it happened. He won't stop crying, Senior!" Mark said. Xiumin sat on the bed, listening to what was going on.

"SENIORRRRRRRRRR!" Haechan wailed at me, returning to a fit. "You have to get me out of here! I don't want to be here anymore!"

"Haechan, what's wrong?" I asked, worried. The Sier was clear and I could see his face turn redder by the minute. He sobbed, turning the Sier to his side of the room and I saw that it was empty with no boxes at all. His boxes were gone and there was black soot on the floor.

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