the sirens

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We were all rushed back to the dorms, a signal from Kris' Sier that the Royal Headmaster Oh Shin, Royal Master Oh Shun, and his team of mages were on the way to SM for an emergency meeting

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We were all rushed back to the dorms, a signal from Kris' Sier that the Royal Headmaster Oh Shin, Royal Master Oh Shun, and his team of mages were on the way to SM for an emergency meeting. All mages were to be present alongside the best Mentors of the peacemakers which was Jin and J-hope and a list of names that I didn't even know who they were.

"We need everyone who works closely under the Order to be in the meeting room in fifteen minutes. The Royal Headmaster is coming." I heard Suho shout to Kris over the chaos of everyone trying to figure out what to do.

"I'll bring the peacemakers to the empty dorm rooms. Lay, call Mr. Bobbit and the other brownies, and tell them we need their help. Suho, prepare the echowomps needed." Kris instructed, a hand up to call Jin and J-Hope over to discuss what to do next.

"Students of SM, this way." Suho yelled into an echowomp. "Peacemakers, please follow your mentors and Advisor Kris to the new dorm rooms."

"Student leader of the peacemakers, do a headcount!" Jin yelled out. "I want all of you in one line. ONE LINE! J-Hope, not you-you're leading them."

I saw J-Hope toddle into the line, stressed out from the rush of people coming from everywhere and I followed EXO, their footsteps bringing them towards the meeting room. The room was wide with a long table, all the mages in SM sitting down. EXO on one side, NCT in another. I saw as Suho sweated nervously, gripping a piece of paper in his hand; his frown deepening when he saw Ms.Tiffany come inside the room. She, as bright and cheerful as she was when I met her, she also reeked of anxiety. She wore a white dress and a headset, her lips painted red as she waited for the Order's arrival.

The atmosphere was tense and my sleepiness was gone even though I was dead tired from the days training. As I sat down beside Chen on my left and Xiumin on my right, I saw Sehun sit by Suho; his face grim. A man then walked in with two familiar faces that I recognized, Jungkook and V striding into the room as they belonged. The man beside Jungkook and V stood out from both of them since he had wings at his back that folded and he struggled to not hit anyone with it.

"Why are Jungkook and V here?" I asked Chen who whispered back.

"They are vigilantes, but they will fight for Exodus. Since they always run odd jobs for the Order, they are automatically taken into account every time there is an emergency."

"And the man next to him? The man with wings?"

"That's Exodus' one and only Alchemist. His name is Jimin. Alchemist Jimin makes potions and all that shenanigans. People say that his wings were grown when he experimented it on himself and they sprouted out all bloody."

Alchemist Jimin sat beside Jungkook, V, Jin, and J-hope-all of them bowing their heads down as they spoke in hushed voices. I saw V reach up to wipe his eyes, a teardrop sliding down his cheek. I looked at Chen who was staring at them too and when he caught my eye, he smiled sadly.

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