Chapter 16

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Quick A/N: *Parseltongue*


I was extremely warm and comfortable when I woke up, I snuggled closer to my firm pillow... hold up... firm? I blinked my eyes open and looked up, Tom's gaze was upon me as I felt my face heat up remembering the events of last night. As he chuckled I could feel the rumble of it on his chest, "Good morning Hadrian," he said smiling down at me. I felt my face heat up further as I spluttered for a second, he laughed again at my discomfort.

I grumbled as I moved to get up, I was barely able to lift my body before I was being pulled back down by Tom. I let out a squeak as I came crashing down back on top of him. I heard him laugh, feeling the vibrations of it through his chest. I wined as I sent a pout his way, "Tom I need to pee," I lied hoping to get out of this predicament.

He didn't seem to fall for my tricks though, instead he rolled us over until I was underneath him as he pinned me down onto the bed, he leaned down and slowly started to kiss my neck, I squirmed slightly, "What are yo-" I cut myself with a moan. Tom had bitten down hard onto the curve of my neck, he released it and began to harshly suck on it.

I groaned as he pulled away, he smirked down at me before connecting our lips for a brief kiss that still left me slightly dazed. I heard him chuckle again before releasing me and getting up, leaving me stranded on the bed.

I huffed and got up heading towards my bed to get ready for the day. I was just about to put on my shirt when I felt two strong and warm pair of arms wrap around me, I tried to keep the blush off my face when I felt Tom start to nip and suck on my neck. I yelped when I felt him bite me, I instantly pulled away to whip around and glare at him holding my hand to my neck as I felt blood coat me hand. Tom that bastard only smirked before using his thumb to wipe the blood off of the corner of his mouth.

"You bit me."

"That I did love. Now everyone will know who you belong to."

I growled before responding, "Overly possessive bastard," I hissed. He only chuckled as he walked towards me, "I don't want anybody touching what is mine," he said, leaning forward slightly to nibble my ear.
I shivered at his touch watching his eyes glint with satisfaction. "Can I get dressed now?" I asked raising an eyebrow as I did so.

He chuckled again before heading to his trunk, pulling out a shirt and tossing it to me. I caught it and raised a brow at him, he only smirked in response. "Well? Put it on, you wanted a shirt didn't you?" I felt my eye twitch as he spoke.


I watched as Hadrian put on my shirt, it was much too big for his small frame but I didn't care. To me he looked perfect. He was muttering to himself about possessive assholes making me laugh as I caught on to some of his words. He glared up at me as I put my arm around his waist, guiding him towards the door.

I enjoyed how small his body is compared to me, it made me think of other things... things that I wanted to do to my precious Hadrian. I glanced down at him as we continued to walk, he seemed to be lost in thought as I led him to the Great Hall.

"Hadrian," I called out to him, he didn't seem to hear me so I continued to call out for him, even going as far as to snap my fingers in his face, he still was lost in thought. I leaned down and captured his lips with my own, he spluttered against me and pulled away. "Tom!" he all but shouted, flushing with embarrassment, I chuckled at him, "I was wondering if you would like to go to Hogsmeade (spelling?) with me," he blinked up at me. "What the bloody hell is a Hogsmeade?" he asked looking curious, I chuckled at him. Although he sounded like he genuinely didn't know what Hogsmeade was, his body was a bit too tense to be telling the truth. 

"It's the town that the train stops in," I said playing along with his little game for now. He made an adorable "oh" face before continuing to the Great Hall, having stopped for our small conversation. "I would love to go on a date with you," he finally said after a few minutes. I glance down at him with amusement, "I never called it a date but since you insist," I chuckled as he looked up at me and started to splutter. 

"So we'll go on our date this Saturday then," I said smirking down at him. His blush got darker before he spluttered an answer that sounded like an ok. I chuckled at how flustered he is. I tugged him closer to me by his waist and continued to walk.

Once we got to the great hall everyone's eyes migrated to Hadrian and I, more specifically to the arm that I had wrapped around him and my shirt that Hadrian was wearing. I plastered on my most pleasant smile but never allowing my eyes to soften I kept the in a cold glare. I want it to be clear who Hadrian belongs to. I want everyone to know that Hadrian is mine and only mine.

I looked down at Hadrian to see him not even bothered by the stares we were getting, I pulled him even closer to me. He looked up at me with a quizzical, I only smirked down at him for an answer. As we walked towards the Slytherin table I moved my arm from Hadrian's waist to around his shoulder, I tugged down the shirt collar ever so slightly to reveal the mark that I left on him.

Instantly the room exploded with gossip. I lightly at some of the rumors already spreading, I looked down at Hadrian with amusement. He met my gaze with a steady glare I only smirked at him, he huffed before elbowing me in the ribs. I chocked on my chuckle causing him to laugh at me. 

Once we made it to our seats at the Slytherin table the Hall was in havoc. I made eye contact with Dumbledore at the head table, he only glared at me causing me to smirk at the old coot. I turned to my followers only to seem them looking cautiously at Hadrian and I. I raised an eyebrow at them, Abraxias finally cleared his throat before speaking, "If I may Tom... are you and Hadrian courting?" I heard Hadrian choke from beside me, I only smirked and turned to Hadrian, "Are we courting Hadrian?" I asked with amusement. It was clear that Hadrian was fighting a blush, he spluttered for a second before I chuckled and properly answered Abraxias, "Yes I am courting my dear Hadrian," as I said this I turned Hadrian to face me before giving him a chaste kiss. I heard the Hall explode with more noise.

Suddenly there was a small note in front of my Hadrian, before he could pick it up I plucked it from his spot. I flipped the note open to see the familiar scrawl of Dumbledore. 

Dear Hadrian,

I was hoping that we could have a small discussion in my office later. 

- Albus Percival Wolfric Brian Dumbledore

I snarled and lit the paper on fire, "Tom!" Hadrian shouted with surprise, "You're not going," I snarled. He only blinked at me before laughing, I narrowed my eyes at him. He smiled at me before leaning forward slightly and whispered into my ear, "As much as I *love* you being possessive over me... I was going to decline anyway. I'm not very fond of Dumblewhore," he nibbled my ear slightly before pulling away, I shivered slightly, not from the small ear nibble, no I shivered because when he said 'love'... he said it in Parseltongue. 

I got up dragging Hadrian with me, I stalked out of the Great Hall dragging Hadrian all the way to the Chamber. We were barely in the lavatory before I demanded for the entrance to open, once it was open I demanded for stairs. 

Once we were in the bed chambers of the Chamber of Secrets I tossed Hadrian down onto the bed, I hovered over him leaning down to speak into his ear *Speak to me again like this*, I hissed in his ear, I felt him shiver below me. *Tom,* I shivered as he said my name in the language of snakes. *This is our language,* I said leaning away from him to make eye contact. He only nodded in agreement and I smirked.

1515 Words

A/N: So sorry for not updating as of late. I got caught up with a lot of drama and had to cut a very unhealthy and draining person from my life. On a better note I have also been busy trying to write other stories and hopefully will publish them soon. Thank you so much for your support!

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