Chapter 45

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I woke up with a start. I groaned as I stretched, I snuggled in against the warmth beside me. I felt a hand gently run their fingers through my hair, I sighed as I opened my eyes and looked up at Tom. "Good morning darling," he purred as he kissed my forehead gently. "Good morning," I yawned, he chuckled as he pulled me closer into him, "It's time to get ready for the day," he said, planting a kiss onto my head. I sighed and stretched again.

  “What are we going to do about Dumbledore dear?” Tom asked as he gently stroked my arm. I sighed as I got up. “I’m still thinking of a plan at the moment,” I sighed as I headed to the bathroom. When I exited Tom was still on the bed reading, he looked up at me. “How many times are you going to read that book?” I asked as I went to my trunk to grab my clothes. Tom sighed as he closed the book, “It’s a good book, I’m still able to learn more spells and techniques to learn more about my shadow magic. Did you know that there can be only one Shadow Master at a time? And at the current time it’s me,” he got out of his bed, I didn’t hide my stare, I’m so glad to be bonded to such a handsome god, he was shirtless and was shamelessly flaunting. Tom raised his brow at me before getting up, he walked over to me and circled his arms around my waist. I happily sighed as I leaned into his firm chest. “I have an idea,” he practically purred in my ear, I hummed in response as I continued to get my clothes. He withdrew his arms from around my waist, and watched as I picked out a pair of trousers, “We should build some evidence against him for trying to manipulate you. We both know of what he did in your past life, we both also know that he does not like me and will do anything and everything within his power to destroy me.”

 “So let me get this right, you want me to trick and manipulate Dumbles into thinking that he is manipulating me? Then use my memories as evidence and take it to the Ministry to get Dumbledore arrested and locked in prison for life for trying to manipulate a lord of one of the most ancient houses in history?” Tom nodded along as I spoke of his plan. “Yes,” he smirked as he pulled me into his chest again. “I like it,” I smiled as I pulled away and headed to his trunk instead, I pulled out one of his shirts. I pulled out some clothes for him as well, going with a black set of robes with a dark green button down shirt. I tossed the clothes at him as I put on a deep red shirt of his, “Tom darling can you grab the corset out of my trunk? I forgot to grab it.” “I’m so glad being at the school hasn’t changed your mind about wearing my birthday gift to you. Need help?” He slid his hands down my sides and around my waist. 

We walked into the Chamber, I sighed as I took in the dust that had settled over the area within the duration of our absence. I watched as Tom waved his hand with a flourish making the dust disappear. “Let’s finesse the plan darling,” Tom slid his arm around me as we walked towards the study. 

I scowled as I continued to walk down the corridor. I hate this plan. Tom and I had finished our plan, we had agreed that I would approach the old fool first. We had also agreed that Tom would dig up Dumbledore’s past, find the evidence of what he did to his sister and his old connections with Grindelwald. 

I walked up to Dumbledore's office and scowled at the door. Before knocking on it, I heard an invitation to enter so I opened the door and peeked inside. “Ah, good afternoon Mr. Peverell. How may I help you today?” I plastered a smile onto my face and approached him. “Professor, I’m… um… I’m a bit embarrassed to say this actually, Professor,” I made myself look sheepish, a little saddened, and most of all frightened. The old coot leaned forward in his chair slightly, looking absolutely intrigued. He plastered false concern upon his face. “What is it Mr. Peverell?” He coated his voice with false concern as he used his desk to help him stand. I forced myself to take a shaky breath. “Sir.. it’s Tom. He… he used to be so charming and nice… he used to care for me. And now he… he um… he’s only using me, I suppose,” I lowered my head in shame. 

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