Chapter 28

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We arrived to the station, already splitting up into our designated groups, Tom was going with Malfoy back to his manor before meeting me Diagon. I walked with Nott allowing him to lead me to wherever his parents are. As we neared two adults that looked very similar to Nott, I smiled at them, "Hello thank you for welcoming me into your humble home," both of the adults smiled and nodded before holding out their arms so that we could apparate out, before I could grab hold of the Nott Lord's arm someone grabbed me and yanked me away from them. "I think Peverell will do well with going with his relatives then with strangers," A voice above me said, I looked up into the face of my great-grandfather who looked all to similar to his son, at the mention of relatives an old and very familiar feeling welled up in me, it was the dread and fear I would feel every time I had to go back to the Dursley's, I ripped my arm away and stepped closer to the Nott family, the Potter's looked unfazed at this, "Although I do appreciate the gesture, I am a Lord and there for emancipated and can do as I please, and at the moment I would like to spend my winter holiday with the Nott family," I said, watching as the Potter Lord slowly paled. I grabbed Lord Nott's arm and he quickly apparated us to his manor. 

I stumbled as we landed causing Nathaniel to laugh at me, I sent him a glare only causing him to laugh some more. I huffed as I righted myself, "I'll lead you to your guest bedroom," Nathaniel said as he started to walk away, I floated my trunk and familiar's kennels behind me as I followed him. The manor was large, it had many twist and turns almost like a maze but still somewhat manageable, it wasn't as big as the Malfoy manor either. I sighed as we finally made it to my room, I sighed again as I sat down on the big, soft, fluffy bed. I sat my stuff down deciding to arrange it tomorrow or for when I get back, I turned to Nathaniel who was waiting for me at the door. He once again led me through the maze like manor though this time the trip much shorter, he led me to a library, it was a large round room with built in shelves that were stacked with books, in the middle of the room was a giant stone fireplace with an ornate vine decoration engraved into the stone. I crossed the room to the fireplace grabbing a hand full of floo powder, I cleared my throat as I stepped into the huge fireplace, Nathaniel was watching me intently, "I don't like how I can't come," he said finally, I smirked before responding, "Concerned about me are you?" I asked with amusement, he smirked as well chuckling as he responded, "No, just upset that I don't get to see you fall again," he laughed as I let my mouth fall open. I grumbled a bit, "Diagon Alley!" I said clearly as I threw down the floo powder. 


I was following Malfoy through the corridors of Malfoy Manor to my usual room, he always had me stay in the second heir's room. I could tell by the stiffness in his shoulders that he wanted to say something, but also knew not to push him. If he needed to say something he would do it on his own, I don't feel like pushing him for answers today. We finally made it to my room before he finally said something, "Are you sure you want to do this Tom?" he asked, he looked unsure as he gazed at me, I sighed as I set down my belongings before turning to him, "The only people that know that I'm getting my inheritances today are you and the rest of Knights and Hadrian," I said, he nodded slightly, "Just be careful. It would be dangerous if the old fool realized what you are up to," he said, I patted his shoulder as I passed him to go to the floo in the main sitting room. 


I cursed as I stumbled forward, the ground was meeting to embrace me as I fell forward, but before I could fall flat on my face a familiar strong arm caught me. I smiled up at Tom who looked all too amused at me. "Is there any form of transportation that you're good at my dear?" he asked with a chuckle. I scowled at him as I righted myself, "Flying, I'm really good at flying," I said as I started to walk towards Gringotts, he chuckled, "Then why don't you play quidditch?" he asked as he slid his arm around my waist as we walked. I shrugged before I responded, "Would you really want me to?" I asked with a smirk, he went silent for a moment before shaking his head, "No, no I don't," he said with a slight growl. I chuckled as we made it to the entrance of the bank. 

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