Chapter 15

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His lips were warm against my own, Merlin I wanted more. I moved my lips against his but he still wasn't responding, I was just about to pull away when I felt him kiss me back. My skin tingled from where I made contact with him, I nipped at his bottom lip causing him to gasp, using this opportunity I slipped my tongue into his mouth, he instantly met my tongue with his own battling me for dominance, I nipped and sucked at his tongue until it was clear on who was the dominant, me. Hadrian moaned into my mouth as I pressed further against him causing him to fall back onto the bed, his wrists were still held in my hand so I quickly pushed them against the bed as I deepen the kiss further. I broke off from Hadrian looking down at him as he panted below me, trying to catch his breath, I allowed my free hand to trace the scar upon his brow. He shivered as I lightly trailed my fingers against his skin, I leaned down and nipped at his earlobe causing him to let out a soft moan, "I want you Hadrian Peverell... so let me have you," I whispered huskily into his ear, he shivered again. "Hmm... Tom I-" before he could finish his sentence the door banged open making me snarl at the intruder.


I'm hot and bothered, Tom's touch caused tingles to course through my body and I would deny for all eternity that I submitted to Tom Riddle. I do have to admit that I am... slightly... disappointed about being interrupted. Tom was still hovering over me as he snarled at whoever disrupted us, "-you are daft! Knock you impetulant child!" Tom snarled at however was at the door, I peered over to see Black looking slightly pale as he apologized profusely, I squirmed underneath Tom trying to make it clear that I no longer wanted to pinned down, Tom looked down at me and hesitantly let me go. I sat up and looked at Black, before I could say anything Tom wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me close, I could feel my face start to flush and I tried with all my might to stop it. "Black, I haven't seen you since the bomb. How are you?" I tried to sound casual but my voice was a little too squeaky to be casual. Black shrugged his shoulders seemingly ignoring Tom's harsh glare, "I'm fine, I heard that you got it rough though, I just wanted to say thank you and see if you were alright... though considering the circumstance I would say that you are more than fine," Black smiled devilishly making to leave the room, "I'll tell everyone to leave you alone for now, I would suggest some privacy spells and a good locking one too," he said before leaving. I felt my face flare with embarrassment.

Tom leaned closer to me and nuzzled his face into my neck causing my face to get warmer if that was even possible, Tom chuckled against my neck causing shivers to wrack my body. "Be mine, one day I will rule the world, and when I do I need somebody by my side Hadrian..." I shivered again as he spoke against my neck, as he trailed off he pressed light kisses against my neck before nibbling on my earlobe again, I groaned at his touch. Earlier I was going to let him do whatever he pleased but that short interaction with Black gave me enough time to somewhat get my thoughts together, "Why me? There are so many other people... besides I'm not even the most willing," I pressed my hands against his shoulders nudging him away, when he willingly pulled back his gaze was sharp and piercing, "You are my equal... I will never say that to anyone else, but you are my equal. Which means I will never let you go, no matter what," his gaze was intense and before I could think of what I was doing my body was leaning forward and connecting Tom's lips with my own once more. I allowed my hands to run through his hair, I was trying to press myself closer to him, I felt his arms circle around my waist pulling me closer to him, I gasped as I felt him suck and nip at my bottom lip, he took the opportunity to explore my mouth with his tongue, pressing against my mouth in every good way possible, tingles wracked my entire body as he pressed me impossibly closer to him, I shivered as he sucked on my tongue. Finally we broke apart to catch our breaths, I panted as he dipped his head to kiss and nip at my neck, I groaned as he gently kissed up my neck, once he was just behind my earlobe he began to suck and nip at that spot, I groaned again as he bit at my earlobe.

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