Chapter 37

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Tom has been obsessed with trying to prepare for our bonding, he wanted someone there to verify that this was actually happening, so far he couldn't find anyone. I of course said that we could get the goblins to do it but he was extremely reluctant about that idea.

I sighed as I watched the flames in the fireplace dance, in complete honesty the bonding has been on my mind as well, it has been four days since I showed Tom my past life. Ever since then Tom has been preparing a bonding ceremony. I sighed again. I don't see Tom a lot because of his preparing and it aggravates me, I miss seeing his stupid face, I miss his stupid eyes, and his stupid voice.

I got up with a huff and made my way to go and look for Tom, I knew that he would either be in the ritual room or the library. I made my way to the library first and peeked my head in. There on the sofa was my lover reading a book and taking vigorous notes. I sauntered over to him before plopping myself into his lap making him let out a groan. "Hello love," he wheezed as he set all his stuff aside, I smiled at him before making myself more comfortable, "I hardly ever see you anymore, you're always too busy with the bonding," I said with a pout, he just chuckled as he ran his hands through my hair. "My bad," he said as he gently brushed a kiss to my forehead.

I dragged Tom to our bedroom, he was protesting the entire way making me huff in agitation, "Hadrian darling, I still have a lot to do. I promise that I'll go to bed soon," he said as we finally made it. I drug him to the bed and shoved him down, he chuckled as I plopped down next to him, he leaned up and over me, he peered down at me with a small smile, I raised my brow in question, "Why are you staring go to sleep," he chuckled before leaning down and connecting our lips, he took something from his pocket and held it out to me. "What's this?" I asked as I took the small box from him, he just gestured for me to open it. I carefully opened the black velvet box, inside the box was a ring snuggly surrounded by a cushion, I marveled at the ring. It was a finely cut blue sparkling stone cut into a small oval, it had a very familiar insignia engraved onto the blue stone, the stone was surrounded by small black obsidian stones, the ring was made from sterling silver as well. I gapped at the ring, "It's beautiful... what's it for?" I asked barely looking up at Tom.

He smiled as he took the ring and placed it on my finger, "It's the Emrys courtship ring, I was going to give it to you sooner but I got a little distracted," he said with a small smile. I looked up at him in shock, "I was going to give it to you before I asked you to bond with me," he said as he lifted my hand to press his lips against the ring and my fingers. "After we're bonded I insist you always wear it," he said seriously, I eyed him suspiciously, "I was going to do it anyway... why?" I asked skeptically, he chuckled before responding, "It has a portkey, I was able to change the activation word to Parseltongue, it's divinity, it will take you to me immediately no matter where we are," he said as he stroked my hand. I smiled before kissing him, I wove my hands through his hair brining him impossibly closer, he hummed as he grabbed me by the waist pulling me into his lap, we slowly pulled apart panting before we both began to chuckle softly. 


I watched as Hadrian slept beside me, I could feel the soft smile gracing my features as I watched him, I had planned for the bonding to be the day after tomorrow. I had decided to invite the goblins to be our witness per Hadrian's request, I sighed as I ran my hand through my hair. I had found the perfect bonding spell for us, it would bond not only our emotions, but our minds and souls as well. It was called a soul bond, it was made illegal due to the fact that if one of the bonded died the other would either die with them or live the last of their lives in misery and pain. I chose this because I know that Hadrian and I are both immortal, the soul bond would allow me to know when Hadrian is in danger based on whatever major wound he gets. 

I sighed as I watched Hadrian stir slightly, I am unable to sleep, even with my lover beside me. I'm just too excited for our bonding, I know that I'll fall asleep eventually though, I could feel the drowsiness taking hold of me. Not to mention the fact that I was extremely comfortable with Hadrian safely tucked away in my arms. 

Just as my eyes finally fell shut, there was a demanding tap at the window. I groaned as the tapping insisted and awoke Hadrian. He glared at the window before flicking his finger at it to open, I was still holding onto him as an owl swooped in dropped a letter than swooped out. I glanced at the letter before jerking it from Hadrian's grasp. It was addressed to the both of us, I carefully checked for any spells, there was none, I then carefully weighed it within my grasp and it felt like any other ordinary letter. I then carefully opened the letter to see that it was from Malfoy requesting our presence at his estate... the day of the bonding. I could feel my anger build until I felt a gentle nudge against me, "What is it Tom?" Hadrian asked groggily, "It's Malfoy requesting to see us the day of our bonding," I said in distain, he chuckled a bit, "Tell him that we have plans then and will be there some other time," I chuckled at my lovers sleep slurred words, "I was darling, now, how about we go back to sleep?" Hadrian eagerly nodded before cuddling back up to me in earnest. 

I awoke to kisses being peppered onto face, I smiled as I turned us over to where I was pinning Hadrian onto the bed, I kissed him as he released a breathless chuckle. "Tomorrow we get boded," I said with a smile looking down at my lover, he smiled brightly. 

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