Chapter 34

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Tom was escorting through the corridors of the orphanage so that we could go get what ever they had prepared for dinner. He had his arm firmly around me as we continued to walk glaring anybody that would so much as glance at me, I smiled up at him as he continued to direct me towards the dining hall.

When we reached the dining area there was already a line of children waiting to get their meals, I went join them only to be stopped by Tom, "Wait a bit," he whispered as he watched the, I looked at him curiously as he slowly made his way to the line. "Why are we waiting?" I asked, "The closer the food is to the bottom of the pot the more flavor it has," he said with a slight pout to his lips, I chuckled at him as I leaned up onto my toes to press a gentle kiss to his jaw only to stop myself midway. I slowly moved away and looked down to the ground as we finally joined the line.

"What's wrong love?" I felt a shiver run down my spine as Tom whispered to me, I sighed before I spoke, "I never knew that the muggles didn't except our kind of relationship," I whispered back knowing that Tom barely caught it. Tom sighed as he laid his hand gently onto my shoulder, "They're just too simple minded little imp, don't let their incompetence get to you," he whispered into my ear before briefly brushing his lips against it. I bit my lip to try and conceal the shiver that ran down my spine, I could feel the smug energy radiating off of Tom as I did so, "Smug bastard."


I was looking out over the small town of which I was currently residing in, I sighed with frustration as I ran my hands through my freshly cut hair. I am beyond stressed and exhausted, more and more people sent me letters begging for me to save them from Grindelwald, but I can't bring myself to, just how I couldn't bring myself to take the Peverell boy to Paris, quiet frankly I don't even know where he is at the moment, Armando nor Horace would tell me what safe house he went to. I made my way back into the cottage I was staying sighing as I glanced at the black envelope on the table. As soon as I had entered the cottage it had been sitting there.

I finally picked it up and opened it, I have been getting letters from Grindelwald quite frequently as of late, I hardly ever responded to the of course wanting to not feel even more guilty towards the people that wanted me to fight him. Though this letter had a pleasant surprise as it had the very address that Hadrian Peverell was staying at... Wool's Orphanage. 


I was sat watching Hadrian as he slept peacefully, I knew that at some point an air siren would go off which is why I was already prepared, I had both of our trunks shrunken and put into my pocket, I had a blanket prepared and I was more than ready to pick Hadrian up and carry him out if need be. 

Just as I predicted the air raid siren went off making Hadrian bolt up right and look around in confusion. I held my hand out for him to take to which he did, I pulled him against me as we made our way down the stairs and to the exit of the orphanage, several of the other children were there clutching beloved objects close. The Matron was rushing us out the door handing us small snack sacks as we went. Hadrian and I were in the very end of the line several paces behind them in fact, but I was fine with this.

 Suddenly a very familiar red light flashed past us, I glanced at Hadrian only to see him looking around too to try and find who had sent the spell at us.  Soon many more lights were heading in our direction, I cursed as I shoved Hadrian into the nearest alley way, I took him by his hand and started to sprint for the bomb shelter dragging Hadrian as I went. Felt Hadrian's magic surge to life as he started sending curses and spells back at the men chasing us down, they were on the roof tops chasing us down from there and following closely behind us. I cursed as I cast a protego over our heads to try and provide a little more protection for us both. 

I desperately looked around the street areas for a shadow of any kind that we could jump through but there was none in our immediate area. My legs were beginning to cramp slightly as we continued to run when finally I spotted one, it was small but it would have to do. I ran faster towards the shadow as spells continued to ran down around us, I flung pulled Hadrian harshly into me before leaping into the shadow. I breathed hard as I glanced through the shadows at the men, they were shouting to one another as they looked around the street for us, I could feel Hadrian panting as well and decided it was time to join the rest of the orphanage patrons at the bomb shelter, I glanced through several shadows before finding one that would work perfectly for us to rejoin the group without being caught. 

I carefully stepped out with Hadrian securely wrapped within my arms, he blinked up at me as I begin walking towards the group *Are you hurt? They didn't get you did they?* I asked in concern as I looked down at him, he chuckled breathlessly before responding, *I got nicked with a cutting curse but other than that I'm fine it just barely grazed me,* he hissed back I sighed with relief. I found the group and sat us down near them, not too far but far enough to where they wouldn't hear us speak Parseltongue. I felt gently finger graze my arm allowing pain to shoot through it, I glanced down to see that I too got nicked by a spell, I felt Hadrian's magic slowly seep into the wound, slowly stitching it together. He leaned against me as soon as he was finished going to shut his eyes until we heard loud booms of which shook the entire bomb shelter making the lights buzz out of commission for a split second, when they blinking back on I noticed them men in dark cloaks roaming down the tight space carefully looking at everyone's faces, I clutched Hadrian closer to me and glanced around seeing the men on either side of the small corridor. *There are men coming this way... they look suspicious so keep you head down,* I hissed to Hadrian, he simply nodded before burying his face into my shoulder. The men slowly approached us glancing at us as they went, even going as far as to bend down slightly to try and see Hadrian's face. 

Once the air raid was finished I carefully picked Hadrian up and carried him back to the orphanage, the entire night he had awoken to nightmares and the loud bangs of the war above. The Matron kept giving us dirty looks as we continued to walk and make our way back to the orphanage. As soon as we were the there I laid Hadrian back down into the too small bed and carefully tucked him into the blanket.

I sighed as I continued to get lost in thought, Hadrian was still asleep across from me as the day slowly began to pass by, it was nearing lunch time and I knew that I should probably wake him but I couldn't bring myself to. I ran my hand through my hair again as I glanced at Hadrian, I stood finally making a decision. I got dressed into a pair of casual robes before waking Hadrian, "Love it's time to wake up," I said as I yanked the blanket off, Hadrian peered up at me through sleepy eyes, "Come on we need to go before," I said with more urgency. I knew that if the Matron walked in right now she wouldn't be pleased with the choice of clothes. Hadrian slowly got up and put on some clothes, I handed him his cloak to which he took with curiosity. I wrapped my arms around him as we stepped into the shadows. 

It didn't take me long to find what I was looking for, I know that I promised we would stay for a week but things change, especially when my love is put in danger not only by the muggles bombing but also by Grindelwald's men. Here I knew he would be safe, for only I and the goblins knew of it's location, it was heavily warded as well which meant only those keyed into them could get there. I released Hadrian from my grasp once we were standing in the outlining woods of the manor and watched as his face morphed into a face of awe.

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