Chapter 26

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It has been a month since the whole Hagrid instadent. Winter has begun to descend onto the castle which ment the dungeons are cold as hell right now. I sighed as I continued to lounge on Tom's chair, he has yet to return to the common room and I'm beginning to get worried, normally he'll show up a minute or so after me and yet today it has been almost an hour. I huffed before getting up and heading out of the common room, I made my way through the corridors keeping an eye out for Tom.

I heard him before I saw him, I rounded the corner to see him way too close to a Ravenclaw male, he was tall, lean, and had long dark brown hair that was tied in an elegant braid. He was uncomfortably close to Tom as he splayed his hand on his chest, I let out a feral growl before throwing him across the corridor with my magic, he hit the wall hard gasping for air as he tried to get up. I glared at him as I walked over to Tom, I grabbed Tom harshly by the arm and stormed off towards the Chamber, I could vaguely hear Tom trying to get my attention as I continued to walk, I practically snarled as I demanded the Chamber to open. I didn't even bother to ask for stairs as I shoved Tom down the slide, following soon after. I didn't even bother to glance at him as I opened the door and stormed into the main chamber, the only thing that notified that he was following me was his footsteps. I made my way to the office and stood in the middle of the room waiting for him to enter, he did so carefully closing the door.

I whirled around not waiting to scream at him, "What the FUCK was that?!" I seethed, he looked at me with a carefully blank expression, "He wanted to talk," he said simply. I felt my magic roll off me in waves as I got more angry, "He wanted to talk? He wanted to talk?! THAT WASN'T JUST TALKING TOM!" as I yelled at him my magic whipped around the room, braking and shattering things, "Hadrian, darling, you need to calm down," Tom looked perfectly put together and calm which only made me more furious, and like an angry women I said, "Don't tell me to be fucking calm!" he sighed in exasperation, "He was trying to seduce me and frankly I think he was planning to use a love potion if that didn't work," I felt my blood boil as my vision went slightly red, "I'm going to kill him," I seethed Tom, the bastard, chuckled. I glared at him, "Sorry love but I've already got it covered, besides we can't kill anymore students," I narrowed my eyes further, "And why the hell not?" he chuckled again, "We just cleared our selves of the last murders, it wouldn't do to kill more," I sighed before flopping myself into a chair.

Tom laughed softly before kneeling in front of me on the floor, he took my hands into his before brushing his lips over my knuckles, "You are very tempting when in a jealous rage," he said as he looked up at me, I huffed as I glared down at him, he stood and leaned against the arms of the chair, trapping me. He slowly leaned down and gave me a chaste kiss, "I can't wait to see you rule the world beside me," he said with a small smile. I chuckled, "Your confidence will soon be your down fall Tom," I said with a smirk, he laughed again, "It's hard not to be confident when you're by my side," he said before kissing me again.


I was stroking Hadrian's hair as he laid his head in my lap, I was reading the shadow book per usual when Hadrian shifted to look up at me, "Tom... why do you always read that book? You never want me to read it either," he huffed. I smiled down at him before setting my book down, "It's my way of seeking immortality my dear, it's how I can manipulate things that other people can't," Hadrian pouted, "Does it have to do with shadow manipulation?" he asked, I nodded and picked up my book again, "So... you're becoming a Shadow Master than?" I dropped my book in shock, which landed with a loud thump on Hadrian's face, he groaned in pain as he removed the book. "Does that mean I was right?" he asked, I chuckled as his face began to tinge red, "I suppose," I said. He huffed and rolled off me, "I'm hungry lets go get something to eat," I cast a quick Tempus to notice that it's almost dinner, "If we walk slowly I'm sure we can make it to dinner right on time," he nodded in agreement before heading towards the door.

Just as I had predicted we arrived just in time for dinner, many people were already seated, including the Ravenclaw boy, I glanced at Hadrian to see him staring at the boy with a deadly glare, I chuckled as I slid my arm around Hadrian's waist pulling him to me. I guided him to our seats and sat him down, "Hadrian, my love, no matter how long you glare at him he won't die," I said with a chuckle, Hadrian continued to glare, "You don't know that. Maybe he'll choke as he stuffs his fat face like the pig he is," he snarled. I chuckled, "I don't know who you're talking about, but I only hope that they don't run into you," Black said as he and the rest of the nights came and sat down. Lestrange chuckled as he sat beside Black, "I must agree. You look quite vicious Hadrian," Lestrange said. Hadrian huffed as he leaned against me slightly, never taking his eyes off of the boy. "Nathaniel what is that boy's name? The one sitting near the end of the table talking to that girl with sandy hair," Hadrian asked, Nott turned to see who Hadrian was speaking of, "That's Birks Peaks, he's a mudblood," Hadrian slowly nodded as his glare became more deadly.

As I watched Hadrian become more enraged, I became more and more excited, I leaned towards his ear and whispered in it, *I must say Hadrian, you look very... enticing right now,* he shivered at my words, before finally looking at me, I smirked as I continued to eat my food, *Asshole,* he hissed under his breath.

On our way out of the Great Hall I heard someone call out my name, I stopped, which in turn stopped the rest of the Knights and Hadrian, the Ravenclaw boy walked forward and stopped in front of me, "Can I speak to you... alone?" he asked, he kept glancing at Hadrian  nervously. "Let's just speak here," I said, the boy nodded slightly, "I just wanted to give you something is all, I... um... I made it especially for you," he looked up at me, he had a gleam in his eyes, he held out a small box, I carefully took it from him and opened it there in the corridor. Inside was a small pastry, it had white icing with strawberries on top, "Thank you for your... gift, but I don't like sweets," before I could hand off of the pastry to be disposed of, somebody grabbed it from me, I looked down to see Hadrian holding the pastry. I felt dread fill me, "I guess it's a good thing that I do. Don't want it going to waste now do we, Birks?" he said with a wicked smile, he took the pastry from the box and took a big bite from it. He kept eye contact with Peaks as he chewed and swallowed, Peaks face was filled with horror as Hadrian's eyes glazed over slightly before returning to normal, my stomach continued to fill with dread as Hadrian smiled sweetly at the boy.


I took a big bite of the pastry, I never took my eyes off of Peaks as I chewed and swallowed, I felt the love potion try to take affect, but failed as the protections set by Death did their job. I smiled a sickly sweet smile before stepping closer to the boy, I leaned forward and whispered in the taller boy's ear with some struggle, "Next time you try to use a love potion on my lover, or try to seduce him again... just know... they'll never find the body," I stepped away from him and began to walk away, back to the Slytherin common room. I felt an arm wrap itself around my waist and pull me closer to a warm and hard body, I looked up at Tom. He looked absolutely furious as he looked down at me, "What's wrong Tom?" I asked with a sweet smile, he growled slightly before responding, "Never, and I mean never, eat or take anything that you know has a love potion in it even if you know it won't be affective," he snarled, I chuckled before leaning up on my tip toes to kiss him, he however did not cooperate so I was only able to kiss his lower jaw. "Alright Tom I won't take any more love potions," I said with a huff, he growled again.

1583 Words.

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