Chapter 39

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I sat thinking as I had a book lying in my lap, Tom was sitting beside me actually reading his book. The summer was quickly coming to a close and we had already received our letters from Hogwarts for the next year to come. I sighed, I didn't know when to get rid of Grindelwald but I wanted to get rid of him soon, preferably before school ended, both Tom and I knew that we probably wouldn't get out of there alive, but then again we are immortal. We had started to plan the wizards defeat a week after our bonding, we had used that whole week for each other. We had planned a way to confront him and have him attack us, therefore we could claim self defense and end his rein. We also decided to get rid of Dumbledore, but we are still planning.

We decided to leave the knights out of it, we both know that it would be unwise and not safe if we did. They were after all young heirs and still technical children. I sighed as I ran my hand down my face in frustration, we had yet to go get our supplies but when we did that's when the plan would be thrown into action.

Soon I felt warm hands incase my shoulders and slowly start to rub and massage the strain from them, I sighed in satisfaction as I felt the knots loosen and the stress slowly fade. "It won't do you any good to worry about out plan my love, I guarantee you that it will work," Tom said in a low rumble as he continued to massage me. I groaned, "I know but still I'm worried... Tom I don't want you to get hurt..." I sighed, he lent down and slowly trailed soft kisses down my neck and to my shoulder. "I worry of the same thing my precious imp but I know that we can handle this," he said in a murmur against my skin. I sighed as I tilted my head to the side slightly so that Tom may have more access, "It's going to be so different, this isn't going to be like getting rid of those nuisances Tom. This man is an all powerful dark lord that has been in power for a ridiculous amount of time," I said with a frustrated groan. 

Tom paused his slow kisses as he thought for a moment never stopping the movement of his hands, "Do you suppose he knows that the 'elder wand' he possesses is a fake?" he asked as his hands roamed lower down my back, "No... I don't recon he does... in fact I think he believes he has the real thing," I said thoughtfully. Tom hums as he then began to continue to slowly kiss down my neck. "Then I do believe it should be easy to defeat him. You have the actual wand, not to mention you're the Master of Death, I'm sure that has some powerful benefits..." Tom said after a brief pause before continuing to kiss and suck at my shoulder. 

I thought for a moment, then my eyes widened in realization, "I can talk to dementors..." Tom stopped his movements then moved around to face me, "Pardon? I don't think I heard you right love," Tom said with slightly furrowed brows, I blinked a few times, "I... I have the ability to speak to dementors," I said in awe. Tom grabbed my face and smashed his lips to mine, instantly he intertwined his tongue with my own, I groaned as he pinned me against the couch I panted as he continued to kiss down my jaw, neck, and my collarbone. I groaned as he nipped my collarbone, "Merlin, why are you so riled up?" I asked breathlessly as Tom began to undo the buttons on my shirt, he responded by biting down onto my collarbone. I groaned and looked down at him, he smirked as moved down to kiss more along my body, he nipped at my skin causing me to moan. 

"You're just filled with surprises my little imp," he murmured against my skin I moaned as he leaned back up to kiss me. "You know my imp I quite like you without clothes," he practically purred against my skin, he slowly began to take off my trousers kissing my inner thighs when they were exposed. I huffed when he got them all the way off then reached for my pants, before he could however I rolled off the couch and got up running from the room with a laugh. 


I watched in slight shock as Hadrian ran away laughing, I sighed as I got up and followed him. I could here his laughter from my place down the corridor, I chuckled to myself mostly out of frustration as I faded into the shadows to catch my run away lover. I watched him run though the corridors following him closely through the shadows before emerging out in front of him catching him in my arms. "Tom!" he said laughing as he struggled to get out of my grasp, "Now darling, *as much as I love seeing you wander about the mansion with nothing but your pants on... I think that I should be the only one to see you in such a state of  undress,*"  Hadrian shivered and laughed, *Who else is going to see me? It's only you, me, the elves, and my familiars,* he said with a chuckle, I sighed as I pulled him as close to me as possible, I brushed my lips against his causing him to smile.

"Hadrian, I want to find my father," I said at last pulling away from him slightly, he furrowed his brows slightly, "Alright..." I could see the slight hesitation on his face as he agreed, "Promise me that you won't let him get to you, he'll... say some things... just..." I could tell he was reaching for words, I kissed him and gently stroked his face. "Don't worry about it my dear, as long as I have you by my side everything will be fine," I said smiling softly at him. He sighed then looked down and blushed, *I should get dressed,* he said trying to turn to go retrieve his clothes.

I tightened my grasp and stepped in the shadows and into our room, he quickly ran from my arms and into the closet grabbing a new set of clothes, "I have a good idea," Hadrian said as he walked back into the room. "If I recall in my time you framed the remaining Gaunt and killed your father... well if you can just imperio your father and have go to the Gaunt house, Gaunt will kill him then you kill the Gaunt... two birds one stone," he said nonchalantly as he began to button up his shirt.

I smiled as I pulled him into my arms, *Lovely idea darling,* I hissed as I bent down to connect our lips, he hummed as he blinked up at me, "You do realize I never said that I want to kill my father?" I asked with a raised brow, I watched him blush causing me to smirk, "I'll decide if I want to kill him or not after having a lovely chat," I said nuzzling against Hadrian's hair, he sighed and nodded his head slightly in agreement.

I kissed him again before carrying him to the bed, "We shall go this weekend... if we don't have any plans that is," I said with a chuckle as I laid him onto the bed, hovering over him and pressing light kisses to his neck. He hummed I'm agreement as he wrapped his arms around my neck, I casted a quick tempus before cursing under my breath. It was almost time for me to go to another event, Hadrian tends to stay here and do who knows what while I go and attend balls and dinner parties to create political allies, I heard Hadrian chuckle from underneath me. I sighed, *To hell with it* I growled as I kissed my lover.

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