Chapter 41

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Tom was being dramatic as we got ready for the ball, I sighed as I got prepared, I brushed out my hair, I sighed again as I made my way back into the main room again, I eyed the suit that was placed onto the bed, an elf popped up smiling, "May Itsy help sir?" it asked bowing, I smiled, "That would be great thanks Itsy," I said and watched as the elf began to prepare me for the ball. 

I sighed as I waited for Tom at the bottom of the steps, I glared down at the ground. I hate balls, I've never found them fun. I'm always reminded of the Yule Ball I attended during the Triwizard Tournament. I never learned how to dance properly, not even with the memories Death has given me, even in those I have two left feet. In this era I am a book worm and find dancing to be fevilous and a nuisance, I'll think that no matter what though.

I looked up when I heard Tom clear his throat, I felt my cheeks warm as I took him in, he was gorgeous, as usual. I swallowed as I noticed how the dress robes hugged his figure defining all his muscle and slight curves. "You're staring darling," he said with a chuckle as he lightly stroked my face, I watched as his eyes raked down my figure, I could feel his lust swell as he took me all in. "You know we don't have to go to that ball," I said in a hushed tone. Tom looked like he was about to seriously consider it before shaking his head and grabbing me by the waist, "As much as I would love that my dear. This ball is beneficial to us, we've already discussed it. Now shall we?" he asked with a grin as he stepped away from me and held out his arm. I sighed and nodded as I took his arm.

He apparated directly in front of the gates to what I suppose is Black Manor, I looked on in awe, although I always knew the Black family had other estates but I wasn't expecting it to be so extravagant, also I had never seen the other estates so this was definetly a pleasant shock. Tom removed his arm from me and replaced his hand on my waist, he gently led me through the gates and towards the mansion in front of us. As we walked I took in our surroundings, there were lanterns floating about the grounds keeping the walk way lit up for the party goers.

Finally we arrived at the door, "Kreacher will be taking your coats sirs," I looked down in shock at the much younger version of Kreacher, I smiled down at him and handed him my coat, Tom doing the same. We walked into the foye, much like at Grimauld Place all decorations were in a grey, dark grey, or black. Unlike Grimauld Place it was extremely clean here. I looked around slightly in awe as Kreacher escorted us to the ball room. When we arrived the Lord and Lady Black greeted us, "Welcome back Tom, you must be Lord Peverell. Welcome to the annual Black Summer Ball, please do enjoy youselves," Lord Black said with a wide smile. I wasn't really paying attention to him though, I was more focused on the fact that Lady Black was gently caressing Kreacher's head as she praised him.

Tom led me to the dance floor almost immediately, I looked up at him in horror and disdain. "No," I said firmly as he continued to lead me to the dance floor, *Come now darling. It'll be fun and I can guarantee that you won't look a fool,* he hissed into my ear, I struggled to keep myself far away from the dance floor. I planted my feet but Tom just continued to push me foward. "Come now Tom! If little Hadrian doesn't want to dance then don't force him," Lestrange said with a cackle as he approached us. I smiled at him with hope as he continued to walk towards us. "I must agree with Corban, if the boy doesn't want to dance then don't force him," Nathaniel said with a smirk. I glowered at him, "I'm not a boy, nor am I little," I said as I grabbed Tom's arm and yanked him to the dance floor, I heard Tom chuckle and I could feel his satisfaction through the bond. I turned to him and waited for him to take his position.


I smiled as I looked down at Hadrian, I gripped him by the waist with one hand, holding him close, with the other hand I took his hand into mine. Hadrian hesitantly placed his hand onto my shoulder, I lowered my hand slightly to just the small of his back, with that we began to waltz. I spun him around the room doing my best to keep him up right. I chuckle as Hadrian somewhat clumsily waltzed with me, *I hate you,* he hissed. I chuckled and leaned in to kiss him right behind his ear, "No you don't," I chuckled. I felt his lust pool, making me narrow my eyes slightly, "Now now dear, calm down," I could hear the strain in my own voice, I also noticed the mischievous gleam in Hadrian's eyes as he smiled sweetly. The song came to an end and Hadrian pulled away with a smirk as he went to talk to Nott.

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