Chapter 44

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I watched as my beautiful bonded stepped out of the train, he smiled as he took a deep breath. He let out a happy sigh before turning to me, “It’s good to be back.” His smile was bright and almost blinding as he looked at me. I felt my lip twitch upwards as I stepped towards him, I took him by the waist and pulled him close to me, I grabbed his chin and lifted his face as I placed my lips against his. He breathlessly laughed as our lips connected. 

We pulled away somewhat breathless before heading towards the carriages, I was slightly taken aback when I saw skeletal like horses were drawing the carriage. Hadrian laughed at me as he gripped my hand tighter. He pulled me into the carriage and placed a kiss against my cheek.

 All of the knights cringe in disgust as I began to nuzzle Hadrian's neck, “Can you two stop having sex for at least an hour?” Lestrange as he groaned dramatically. I smirked against Hadrian’s neck before savagely biting down on it causing Hadrian to let out a loud moan. “Dammit Tom! Two seconds, two seconds is all we ask,” Black said dramatically. I pulled away from Hadrian briefly causing the whole group to let out a sigh of relief.

I smirked before pulling Hadrian into my lap, briefly grinding him down against me. I nipped at his neck before pulling his shirt down slightly, I began to bite and suck onto his collarbone. Hadrian softly moaned as he clung onto me, I pulled back slightly to look over Hadrian’s shoulder. The knight’s were all looking mortified, Nott sighed as he glared at us slightly. “Have some common decency, besides both of you are supposed to be Lord’s of a very old and noble house,” he scolded lightly. 

I chuckled as I kissed Hadrian’s jaw. All of the knight’s sighed and groaned. Hadrian laughed as he pushed away from me slightly, moving to sit back onto his own seat, I gripped his hips tighter making it clear that he wasn’t moving. He squirmed slightly, I clutched him even tighter. I leaned up to his ear, “Stop moving,” I growled. He held still for a brief moment before he shifted slightly. I grinded him down to make it clear to him. He gasped, “Tom-” the door to the carriage flung open, cutting him off. 

All the knights stumbled out, each one fighting to be the first one out. I cackled as I let Hadrian up, I stepped out of the carriage first to help him down, he laughed as he took my hand. “You’re so silly sometimes,” he said as I pulled him into me to press a kiss to his temple. “Tom, please for all of our livelihoods, stop,” Lestrange begged. 

I just chuckled and dragged Hadrian behind me as we continued our way towards the castle. The knights joked and gagged as we walked towards the castle, making fun of Hadrian and I. I sent a sharp glare towards the Carrow twins who were singing a song about how in love Hadrian and I are. Hadrian laughed beside me joining in the teasing, now just focusing on teasing me as I felt agitation build inside me. I felt my brow twitch as I smiled ruthfully at them. 

Hadrian leaned over slightly, he planted a kiss on my jaw as we walked through the door to the Great Hall, people were already seated at their tables. They exploded into gossip when they spotted Hadrian and I. I paid them no mind as I led my lover to our seats. Once I was sure he was comfortable I sat beside him, my arm secured around his waist defensively.

I paid no mind to the sorting ceremony, only focusing on the bond that I could feel practically singing between Hadrian and I. I leaned down and gently kissed behind his ear, he smiled at me before turning back to the sorting. I frowned slightly before trying again, this time sucking lightly at the skin. Hadrian brushed me away with a half hearted peck on my cheek. 


Tom was pouting beside me as he ate his dinner. I smiled at him as I layed a gentle kiss under his jaw, hardly listening to the mindless chatter around us. Soon a voice was clearing their throat from above us, Tom and I both glanced up to see an irritated girl in our year. “You’re filthy,” she stated before moving to go back to her own table, though she didn’t go far before one of the knights shot a hex at her. She fell wailing as black boils covered her skin, her hair turning an outrageous color of green. I watched in amusement as some of the other Slytherin’s dumped their plates upon her, I cleared my throat obnoxiously, “Oh dear… look who’s filthy now.” The girl sat up before sprinting from the room, the Slytherin’s laughing lightly as she did so. 

I was beyond tired as we made our way to the common room, Tom was actually supporting some, if not all, of my weight. Though he didn’t seem to care at all. Finally I gave up on the concept of using my legs, wasting no time whatsoever Tom lifted me into his arms. One arm secured around my shoulders, the other under my knees. I sighed with comfort as I snuggled into his chest, I allowed his warmth to swarm me as I got more comfortable in his arms. The other fellows sniggered at me as I clung to Tom’s robes. I quickly flipped the bird from over Tom’s shoulder before clinging to his robes again. 

Once inside the common room Tom went to his claimed chair and sat me comfortably within his lap, gently racking his fingers through my hair. I sighed contented. The common room soon filled with other Slytherin’s before the first years came in. I tuned out Slughorn’s speech to the first years and just cuddled my way further against Tom’s chest, “Tom, I’m tired,” I mumbled. Tom shushed me lightly as he continued to stroke my hair. I was falling asleep within minutes, knowing that Tom would keep me safe.

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